New algo’s for 2018?

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    • #114561

        I’m surprised there hasn’t been any buzz about a new algo for the H9, considering it seems we get about two a year. With NAMM happening, I figured there’d be one. Anyone heard anything?

      • #149041
        Driven Crane
          lordradish wrote:

          I’m surprised there hasn’t been any buzz about a new algo for the H9, considering it seems we get about two a year. With NAMM happening, I figured there’d be one. Anyone heard anything?

          i am waiting too…

        • #149045

            Wonder if the H9 is nearing its shelf life as far as Eventide support if concerned. It’s about 5 years old now? That’s a long time in the digital world. Perhaps a new version is on the horizon….

            Sean Meredith-Jones

          • #149046

              We have been distracted by other projects. The H9000 in particular has been tying up a bunch of people.

              We have been doing some R&D on something new for the H9 that might or might not pan out. If it doesn't, there are some other interesting possibilities we could pursue that are surer things.

            • #149047

                Does that mean that we’ll still get another algo or two, eventually?

                • #149052
                    lordradish wrote:

                    Does that mean that we'll still get another algo or two, eventually?

                    If any of us say yes to that, something terrible will happen.  One of our colleagues will get hit by a bus or something.  I think there's a higher power at work determined to make liars out of us everytime we make any sort of public commitment on our forums.

                  • #149053
                      gkellum wrote:
                      If any of us say yes to that, something terrible will happen.  One of our colleagues will get hit by a bus or something …

                      Aha!  A hidden clue!  So it’s a bit reduction / decimator algorithm?  wink

                    • #149078
                      Given To Fly
                        gkellum wrote:

                        lordradish wrote:

                        Does that mean that we’ll still get another algo or two, eventually?

                        If any of us say yes to that, something terrible will happen.  One of our colleagues will get hit by a bus or something.  I think there’s a higher power at work determined to make liars out of us everytime we make any sort of public commitment on our forums.

                        I do not visit pedal forums, but guitar forums have threads about pedals. One thing I’ve noticed is everybody is fairly reasonable when it comes to their expectations of any given pedal…except the H9. The expectations for the H9 are so much higher than anything else on the marker. It is a little weird. I feel the H9 was meant as a utilitarian pedal so that it could be a phaser when you needed a phaser or a delay when you needed a delay but not a phaser. Today, it is a “solve all your problems pedal” and it is the only one. But if it could just solve a few more problems like the brand_X does….

                        I do not blame you for making commitments to people you do not know and who most likely won’t buy what they ask for in the first place. With that said, the H9 would probably be a good product to keep around. 😉 I know you know that but I like to play “armchair CEO” every now and then. 😉

                    • #149096
                      Driven Crane

                        I am very disappointed because of there’s still no new algorithms for my H9. I use it very intensively…

                        • #149186
                            Driven Crane wrote:

                            I am very disappointed because of there’s still no new algorithms for my H9. I use it very intensively…

                            Just enjoy what you have already. That’s plenty alrwdy. Everything new I consider as an extra.

                        • #149177

                          A cab sim algorithm would be killer!

                        • #149230

                            Understand not wanting to over promise. H9000 looks amazing, hopefully one day. Definitely excited about a possible algorithms! Makes the H9 much easier to recommend.

                            I’d be happy with anything new (really), but these would be very welcomed:

                            – A live input granular processor a la iPad’s Borderlands.

                            – A new experimental reverb.

                            – More aged tape warmth/emulation and warble.

                            – Filterbank!

                            – Boards of Canada-style woozy modulation/distortion

                            You can probably see my inclinations clearly there. 😉

                            And have to mention, ability to map X, Y, Z parameters to external MIDI CC control would absolutely open these pedals up! Would love to build focused patches/presets that I can control from a separate tabletop controller without having to map all 10 or 11 parameters for each pedal. That would be enough for me to buy a 3rd or 4th unit I reckon, and many more tabletop users would get interested. 🙂

                            • #149279
                                peterfrequency wrote:
                                Understand not wanting to over promise. H9000 looks amazing, hopefully one day. Definitely excited about a possible algorithms! Makes the H9 much easier to recommend.

                                I’d be happy with anything new (really), but these would be very welcomed:

                                – A live input granular processor a la iPad’s Borderlands.

                                – A new experimental reverb.

                                – More aged tape warmth/emulation and warble.

                                – Filterbank!

                                – Boards of Canada-style woozy modulation/distortion

                                You can probably see my inclinations clearly there. 😉

                                And have to mention, ability to map X, Y, Z parameters to external MIDI CC control would absolutely open these pedals up! Would love to build focused patches/presets that I can control from a separate tabletop controller without having to map all 10 or 11 parameters for each pedal. That would be enough for me to buy a 3rd or 4th unit I reckon, and many more tabletop users would get interested. 🙂

                                Absolute yes to any and all of these.

                            • #149237

                              +1 to the better tape emulation :). A softer attack and a non-boosted bass when the highs are filtered would be amazing.
                              Really looking forward to this

                            • #149240


                              • #149262
                                Driven Crane


                                • #149265

                                  So it’s settled, Mr Eventide will give us a new tape delay and the option of running two delays in series withour patch cables laugh

                                • #149523
                                  Driven Crane

                                    Still there’s no news?

                                  • #149547

                                      My gut feeling says something major is coming. I suspect a new hardware version of the H9 or something (H9 mark 2 or H10?). Something with more knobs and buttons that makes presets switching and effect teaking on the hardware itself more easy. It is not based on anything but we haven’t hear anything from the H9 in more than six months. I see this as calm before the storm….

                                      • #149556
                                          bodde wrote:

                                          My gut feeling says something major is coming. I suspect a new hardware version of the H9 or something (H9 mark 2 or H10?). Something with more knobs and buttons that makes presets switching and effect teaking on the hardware itself more easy. It is not based on anything but we haven’t hear anything from the H9 in more than six months. I see this as calm before the storm….

                                          I hope not, because I just bought a second H9!

                                        • #149561
                                            mistercharlie wrote:
                                            bodde wrote:

                                            My gut feeling says something major is coming. I suspect a new hardware version of the H9 or something (H9 mark 2 or H10?). Something with more knobs and buttons that makes presets switching and effect teaking on the hardware itself more easy. It is not based on anything but we haven’t hear anything from the H9 in more than six months. I see this as calm before the storm….

                                            I hope not, because I just bought a second H9!

                                            Me too!

                                        • #149562

                                            I just bought a second H9 too!

                                          • #149605

                                              I heard some rumours that a new H9 algo will be introduced at the coming NAMM?

                                            • #149631

                                                I second the motion on cab simulation algorithm.

                                                All in favor?

                                                Done. (Eventide?)

                                                • #149690
                                                    thossie wrote:
                                                    I second the motion on cab simulation algorithm.

                                                    All in favor?

                                                    Done. (Eventide?)

                                                • #149737

                                                    An amp/cab sim would be crazy handy for sure.

                                                    Also hoping for more glitchy kinda stuff.

                                                  • #149821

                                                      I believe new algos will come – I think we’re still at the early stages with the H9 type product

                                                      What do we know..

                                                      H9 uses an arm processor and the H9000 has 16 (4 quads Arms). They’ve been flat out getting that out the door and are now fine tuning.

                                                      Re algos, I think they’re still porting older H series DSP algos to Arm (cos many haven’t yet made it from older H series) but more importantly they will start to release new algos for which they claim Arm provides much more possiblities. With them fully invested in this architecture at minimum for the next 10 years (my feeling is much longer since the processors in H9000 are upgradeable), hopefully the H9 enjoys the ride too.

                                                      Multi-processor H90 or H900 on the horizon, next gen eclipse – capable of running multiple algos simultaneously in any order, etc..

                                                    • #149890
                                                      Driven Crane

                                                        i have bought a second Core.  I need more of algorithms!

                                                      • #150142

                                                          It has been more than one year since Pitch Fuzz. Really wonder what Eventide future plans for the H9 are. Because it is so quiet one keeps wondering. Are they working on a new hardware version with more knobs? Or are they planning any new algo’s for the H9?

                                                        • #150143
                                                          • #150163

                                                              Looks like Eventide removed the thread seeking beta testers. Hope they are considering the people who already repiied to the request.

                                                              • #150164
                                                                  davebrubaker wrote:

                                                                  Looks like Eventide removed the thread seeking beta testers. Hope they are considering the people who already repiied to the request.

                                                                  We recorded the last half a dozen people who replied before deleting the thread. You should hear from us shortly.

                                                              • #150215

                                                                  Curious if anything is moving forward with the beta test? You don’t have to post this, just curious since I haven’t heard anything. Thanks!

                                                                • #150261

                                                                    Would love to have the SP2016 Reverb algorithms added to the H9.

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