New beta releases for ModFactor, PitchFactor and Space out now!

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    • #111497

        New beta releases of the software for ModFactor, PitchFactor and Space are now available!  Please note that these are BETA releases, and we suggest that you only install this software when you have time to fully evaluate it before a tour or gig.  Please report any problems you might find with the beta in the Stompboxes V5 Beta forum (

        The new software can be installed in one of two ways.  One, you can use the Eventide Update Utility to download and install the updates, or two, you can download and install H9 Control and H9 Control will launch a bundled application called the Eventide Direct Updater that will download and install the updates.  (Please note that when H9 Control launches the Eventide Direct Updater, the Updaters window may not spring to the front of other open application windows.)  H9 Control can be downloaded from the H9's support page:

        This release makes it possible to use ModFactor, PitchFactor, or Space with the MacOSX and Windows versions of the H9 Control application. H9 Control, which was originally developed to support Eventide's H9, can be used to manage factory and user presets, multiple preset lists, and the system settings of ModFactor, PitchFactor, or Space. It is not possible, however, to use the H9 Control application to buy new algorithms for ModFactor, PitchFactor, or Space. The hardware for ModFactor, PitchFactor, or Space was not designed with this capability in mind, and it does not have enough storage space for additional algorithms.

        H9 Control offers an improved user experience and more functionality than was previously available in the FactorLib application. We hope that you will find it to be a fast and intuitive way to create, manage and share your presets for your ModFactor, PitchFactor, or Space and to organize them into set lists when you would like to use ModFactor, PitchFactor, or Space in live performances. It also makes it faster and easier to adjust the system settings of your ModFactor, PitchFactor, or Space, especially when it comes to creating MIDI and auxilliary switch mappings for ModFactor, PitchFactor, or Space.

        This release represents a merging of the software used to create ModFactor, PitchFactor, or Space with the software used to create the H9. As such there have been a number of bug fixes, small improvements and other changes made for the H9 that are flowing into the ModFactor, PitchFactor, or Space release. One such change is that loading an algorithm with the algorithm encoder (or H9 Control) causes the loaded preset to appear as preset 0, indicating that it was loaded into memory and has not overwritten any other preset. But there have been too many changes made to list them all individually, and although we have tried not to lose or break any important features in ModFactor, PitchFactor, or Space, some of the changes made may have been inadvertent and may have affected some of ModFactor, PitchFactor, or Space's functionality in undesirable ways. This is a beta release, and if you notice anything wrong, we would appreciate your bringing it to our attention on the Eventide forums.

        After you install the upgrade to use your ModFactor, PitchFactor, or Space with H9 Control, keep your device connected to your computer via USB and launch H9 Control. H9 Control will ask you to enter your Eventide user name to verify that the device is registered to you. Once it has verified your registration, it will also give you two coupons for your ModFactor, PitchFactor, or Space that you can use to buy algorithms for an Eventide H9; if you have an Eventide H9 and you would like to be able to run some of your favorite ModFactor, PitchFactor, or Space algorithms on it, you can use these coupons to get them for free. (The coupons can be used for any algorithms however; not just the ModFactor, PitchFactor, or Space algorithms.) To use these coupons, you will need to connect your ModFactor, PitchFactor, or Space and your H9 device(s) to H9 Control at the same time and go to the algorithms store to make your purchases. We require ModFactor, PitchFactor, or Space to be connected when the algorithm purchase is made so that we can be sure that YOU, the registered owner of your ModFactor, PitchFactor, or Space, is making the purchase and not someone else who might have guessed your username and password.

      • #125631

          Very cool news! Will TF support be coming as well?


        • #125632


            Very cool news! Will TF support be coming as well?

            We said in our NAMM newsletter that we'd bring out new releases for ModFactor, PitchFactor, and Space in March and TimeFactor in April when the improved Looper was ready.  We just made March for ModFactor, PitchFactor, and Space (today is March 31st).  If TimeFactor is ready in April, it will be at the end of April, but we're going to try and have it ready by then…

          • #136376

              So far, no luck updating a PF using two Windows 7 machines, using either the old updater or H9 control. 

              H9 control displays "Preparing the device" for about 15 seconds, switches to "waiting for contact" for about 3, then begins Erasing, which last for about a minute before the H9 control prompts a failure and the PF is locked on Erasing. It reloads on reboot. Same results using the old updater.

              Will post if I get it to work using an alternate method.


            • #136377

                Ok cool! I didn't realize there was an updated looper coming. Great news. 


              • #136378


                  I am having the same issue, on Mac 10.9.2

                • #136379


                    I am having the same issue, on Mac 10.9.2

                    Alright guys.  I've looked through the updater code, and I think we're going to need to make some changes to the bit that happens after performing the erase.  I'll hopefully have a new version of the Eventide Direct Updater that you all can try tomorrow or the following day.

                  • #136380


                      and thanks also for the free algorithms, awesome stuff! 

                    • #125642

                        I'm having the same issue as jamongrande with a Pitchfactor on a Mac, OS 10.7.5.  Also, on my laptop, Mac OS 10.6.8, the Direct Updater won't open at all.

                        Anxious to know when you've got the update ready!

                      • #136385

                        Is there a changelog?

                      • #136386


                          Is there a changelog?

                          No.  We tried to make a change log but since this release was a merging of an incredible amount of work done for the H9 with the Factor software it wasn't really possible to say what all has changed. We've had people testing for months though to make sure that important functionality wasn't lost.


                          I'm having the same issue as jamongrande with a Pitchfactor on a Mac, OS 10.7.5.  Also, on my laptop, Mac OS 10.6.8, the Direct Updater won't open at all.

                          I sent jamongrande an update that I was hoping would fix his problem, but it didn't.  So, I'm still looking at the problem.  I'm going to post news related to the updating problem to this other thread:


                          I would appreciate you all posting updating issues to that thread as well.

                        • #136390

                            Hi , i just tried the new H9 App and i get the same problem and even tried to manually connect the MIDI In Out to my Mod Factor (1 of 4 Factor pedal + 2 H9s) but the connection problem remains. I'm on Windows 7 64 bit. Previously there was no problem with my H9 units.

                          • #136392

                            @entread I've used the old update utility and had no problems updating my modfactor and space with windows 7 64bit.

                            @eventide Is there a chance for a new user manual, since the actual one covers only FW Version 2.

                          • #136394

                              So the old update utility will get you to version 4.5 (or whatever), and then you can use H9 control?

                            • #136395

                              I got Pitchfactor and Space to work no problems with the new updater in H9 control.  I also got the iOS H9 control to work on both pedals via USB connected to iPad, SWEET!



                            • #136396

                              haven't tryed h9 control. I've only updated to the latest beta.

                            • #136397

                              Also I needed to update to H9 control  version 1.4 first before attaching pedals.  Hope this helps

                            • #136398


                                Also I needed to update to H9 control  version 1.4 first before attaching pedals.  Hope this helps

                                I mostly want to know if I can use the old update utility to get me to the newest software version (on PF and MF) such that I can use the H9 control.  I was able to install and open H9 control, but not get it connected to my stompboxes, because I needed to update their firmware.  And the new updater would not work for me.  However, the old utility has worked fine for me multiple times in the past.

                                It sounds like I can based on what everyone is saying, but I would like additional confirmation.  I will try it when I get home either way.

                              • #136399

                                let me back peddle here a bit.  when I first tried to connect Pitchfactor to H9 ( version 1.3.2) it would not connect.  I then updated Pitchfactor with original eventide update utility.  I then realized I should have update H9 control to 1.4.  Once I did both of these updates the Pitchfactor would communicate with H9 control.  I then hooked up Space to H9 control 1.4 and it recognized the pedal and prompted me to update Space through the update utility within the H9.  

                                hope that makes sense.

                              • #136400


                                  let me back peddle here a bit.  when I first tried to connect Pitchfactor to H9 ( version 1.3.2) it would not connect.  I then updated Pitchfactor with original eventide update utility.  I then realized I should have update H9 control to 1.4.  Once I did both of these updates the Pitchfactor would communicate with H9 control.  I then hooked up Space to H9 control 1.4 and it recognized the pedal and prompted me to update Space through the update utility within the H9.  

                                  hope that makes sense.

                                  It does, except one thing…what version did you update to with the original update utility?  My PF and MF had the most recent updates (version 3.5ish), and the H9 control recognizes them (well, I actually only tried the PF).  But then the new direct updater does not work.

                                • #136401

                                  Pitchfactor was version 3.5.0.(4) and updated it to 4.5.3beta(5)

                                • #136402

                                    I tried to update my Space 4.0.0(6) with the new H9 1.40 but it kept crashing. I was able to update it via the EUI  to 4.5 and now the H9 app sees it fine and is working well so far.

                                    Thanks for the coupons!

                                  • #136403

                                      Yikes…. I'm certainly not having any luck.  My new Core shows version 4.5 accross the screen when I power up, but my phone (where I control my other H9 from) shows 4.4.6as it does with my H9.  When I attempted the update, it shows "demo mode" now, but no update??  Yuck.

                                    • #136404


                                        Yikes…. I'm certainly not having any luck.  My new Core shows version 4.5 accross the screen when I power up, but my phone (where I control my other H9 from) shows 4.4.6as it does with my H9.  When I attempted the update, it shows "demo mode" now, but no update??  Yuck.

                                        I don't understand why you are trying to update your H9 Core or your H9.  They should already work fine with the latest H9 Control release without you doing anything.  It's only ModFactors, PitchFactors, and Space stompboxes that need to be updated to work with H9


                                        Incidentally, yes, H9 Cores come with software version 4.5.0 on them, but we haven't yet made that release available for normal H9s through the updating function.  The latest release available for the H9 through the updating function is  We are going to have a new release pretty soon though for all H9s with the new features in 4.5.0 AND a new algorithm.

                                      • #136406


                                          I didn't try to update the Core, rather just found it curious.  I did misunderstand regarding the H9 update.  Thanks for the reply.  I anxiously await!!

                                        • #136408

                                            The EUU worked on my PF where the EDU wasn't, and I got connected to the H9 Control this morning.  Will try my MF tonight.

                                            One thing that was different is that I had to boot in update mode (it asked me to do so), which I haven't had to do before AFAIK.  ALSO…it overwrote all of my presets, which wasn't the biggest deal since I had them backed up, but it was still a surprise and should be clearly noted for other users.

                                            Question that's might not be appropriate to ask here, but how do I clear expression pedal values (for a single preset) in the H9 Control software with my PF?

                                          • #136409


                                              Question that's might not be appropriate to ask here, but how do I clear expression pedal values (for a single preset) in the H9 Control software with my PF?

                                              You can double click on any rotary dial that's mapped to the expression pedal and a popup will appear over it with an option to unmap it from the expression pedal.

                                            • #136419

                                                Hi 🙂

                                                just updated PF, MF, and SP. Everything is ok except with an MF algorithm, Undulator.

                                                I hear now a high frequency (buzz) that is not present with previous version (3.5.0)… Is it normal ?

                                                Thanks for your help

                                                DAVID KAESER

                                              • #125668

                                                  Downloaded new H9 Control 1.40 (mac) but when I connect my PF, the new updater does not show the beta version on the list of possible updates (I have the latest PF release). Tried the old update utility and same results. Anyone have any ideas how to get the beta software? Thanks.

                                                • #125669

                                                    The latest beta release is 4.5.  It should be there.

                                                  • #125677

                                                      Oops, just realized the beta update is not yet available for the TF, which was the Factor pedal I was trying to update. Need to be patient and wait to the end of the month!

                                                    • #136635


                                                        just updated PF, MF, and SP. Everything is ok except with an MF algorithm, Undulator.

                                                        I hear now a high frequency (buzz) that is not present with previous version (3.5.0)… 

                                                        We've just posted new releases — v5.0 — for ModFactor, PitchFactor, and Space that among other things should fix the buzzing that was in the previous beta release for ModFactor.

                                                      • #136675

                                                          I tried this and successfully updated my Modfactor, but encountered serious problems with my Pitchfactor.  My Pitchfactor wlil now only boot in  update mode, it will not boot normally or do a system reset.

                                                          Greg—I sent you a more detailed e-mail directly earlier this morning, but I just wanted to warn others in case this is a larger problem.  Also, obviously, I am anxiously awaiting your response because I am very worried about my PF.

                                                        • #125954

                                                          What is the current ETA of the TimeFactor release? I know it got pushed into may with "the next few weeks" being the time estimate at the beginning of the month. Any news to share?

                                                          Looking forward to it!

                                                        • #125956

                                                            Well, here's where we're at at the moment.  The updated Looper is running on the TimeFactor, and the existing TimeFactor algorithms seem to be working ok when used with H9 Control.  The Looper itself was never made to work with H9 Control, b/c the H9 didn't have the Looper.  So, we're working on the communication between the app and the TimeFactor when the Looper is loaded.  The Looper is probably the trickiest algorithm we've ever had to integrate with the app because it has all kinds of information like for example where you are in the loop that needs to be synchronized which we hadn't needed to do for other algorithms. I don't want to give an ETA at this point, but hopefully, you have a better idea now of where we're at.

                                                          • #136692

                                                            Would it be possible to release a beta of the new Timefactor SW without the looper functionality? I prefer the H9 control app over the factor knobs method of building new patches. Also, not having the looper is not a deal breaker, as its a minor player for my setup.

                                                          • #136693
                                                            Eventide Staff

                                                              It might be possible but it wouldn't be practical and, at this point, it wouldn't save any time. The fact is that TimeFactor was the first product in the family and had the oldest code base. It needed the most work just for that reason. And, we weren't proud of the looper; we knew  it needed to be rewritten and took this opportunity to improve it. 

                                                            • #125993

                                                                Can you now bypass the Factor and Space pedals using MIDI PC like the H9 ?

                                                              • #125994
                                                                Eventide Staff

                                                                  I think that this has been possible for a while. It is possible that the UM doesn't know about it…

                                                                  Go to MIDI/RCV MAP, and as well as the numbers, you will also see BYP, ACT and TOG, while allow you to BYPpass, go ACTive, and TOGgle the bypass state.

                                                                • #136723

                                                                    You are correct, thanks !

                                                                  • #126671

                                                                      Hey guys! I'm only getting one coupon when I connect my Timefactor and one when I connect my Space. Aren't I supposed to be receiving two?

                                                                    • #126672

                                                                        I see two coupons connected to both your TimeFactor and your Space. Are you not seeing 4 in the top bar of the store when you go into the store? If not I'd appreciate it if you could send a screenshot to

                                                                      • #137335

                                                                          Sorry I didn't notice anything on the top bar. I am using the Mac app and see 1 coupon flashing in the Amazon Payments box. I can certainly check again and try to make the transactions. Thanks for the quick response!

                                                                        • #137336

                                                                            Oh man, I didn't even notice anything on the top bar. I was only looking at the BUY/Amazon Payments button on the Store tab – it flashes with 1 Coupon (vs what I thought would be 2).

                                                                            I am using v1.6.0 of the control app for MacOS.

                                                                          • #137337


                                                                              Oh man, I didn't even notice anything on the top bar. I was only looking at the BUY/Amazon Payments button on the Store tab – it flashes with 1 Coupon (vs what I thought would be 2).

                                                                              That buy button flashes the price of the algorithm. So, that one coupon that you're seeing was intended to indicate that it would cost 1 coupon to buy the algorithm…

                                                                            • #137338

                                                                                Yeah, that was it. I just wasn't understanding the UI properly. Thanks for your help!

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