New EQ compressor doesn’t work?

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    • #111588


        just downloaded the new updates on my mac, connected the H9, buyed for free the new EQ compressor and tried it immediately BUT….NO SOUND!!! I try both Kill dry on and off BUT NO SOUND!!

        I go into H9 with my mic (Blue Encore 300) and all other algorithm work properly….some suggestion?? I tried especially Vocal Presence and Telephony and MOVED all value but nothing!!


      • #125839

          That's quite strange. We've never heard of that problem before. Please reinstall the software on your H9 by clicking on the Pedal button in the bottom right hand corner of H9 Control and going to "Update Stompbox's Software". The latest software for your H9 is version 4.8.0[1]. 

        • #125840

            Also, if that doesn't do it, it could help to reinitialize your H9 by turning it off and turning it on again while pressing the HotKnob switch in the upper right hand corner of your H9 and the right footswitch. This will restore your system settings to their factory default state, but it won't affect your presets.

          • #136565

              hello…..tryed both your suggestion but, unfortunately, NO RESULTS…..I tried different algorithm and all of them work properly…when I launch the EQ COMPRESSOR there's still no sound, only some noise moving the knobs….BUT only very low volume noise…:(

              other suggestions??

            • #136566

                tried both your solutions suggested but unfortunately no results! I tried to lauch different algorithms and all them work!! When I launch the EQ COMPRESSOR no sound at all, only a low volume noise moving some of the knobs…BUT NO SOUND!!! 

                any other suggestions??


              • #136568
                Eventide Staff

                  Out of curiosity, how are you plugging your mic into the H9?  If you don't have a mic pre before the H9, it's possible that you're signal is too small and is below the Gate that included in the EQ Compressor algorithm.  Have you tried turning the Gate Off in the EQ Compressor?  It works the same way as tempo on/off in the other algorithms.  

                • #136569

                    hello….got your question. I know the problem very well and my connection is very complex. Anyway, my mic signal to the H9 is after a preamplification from a Bose Tonematch mixer. So, no problem for signal level and impedance. 

                    I also tried to turn the gate off in the eq compressor….again, no results…:(

                    really cannot understand WHY this algoritm doesn't work!

                    hope you can help me

                  • #136570

                      You've tried with a variety of different EQ Compressor presets, right? And it's always the same result? You don't hear any signal going through?

                      It would be good to try a complete system restore of your H9. You'll want to back up your presets before doing this because it will restore the H9 to its factory presets; you can save all of the presets on your H9 to a local preset list in H9 Control in the Preset List screen. To restore your H9 to its factory state, power it down and power it up again with the right footswitch and the big knob/dial thing pressed.

                    • #136571

                        yes, I tried ALL EQ Compressor presets, also tried to move all single knobs. ALways same results. NO signal through. Only some low noise. Also tried to up the signal of my mic after preamp. The signal was totally distorted because it was too high BUT still no signal goin through.

                        It's nightime here in Italy right now BUT tomorrow I'm gonna try your last suggestion to do a complete system restore and let you know here the result. 

                        finger crossed! 🙂

                      • #136572

                          done what u suggested me, complete system restore….BUT no way…same situatuin. All algorithm work properly exept for EQ Compressor. NO sound at all…only some noise when I move TRIM knob. I tried ALL possible configuartion: kill dry on and off, more input gain from H9 control app, input gain from mixer bose tonematch, changed source instrument…NO WAY!!! Total silence…:(

                          what to do??

                        • #136575

                            Hey, sorry that you're having so much trouble with the new algorithm. I'm going to have to talk to some of my colleagues about the problem you're having on Monday. 

                          • #136577

                              perfect. Thanx very much and no worries…all the other algoritm are sooooo COOL!!!!


                            • #136589

                                hello…..sorry to stress, any news about my problem? :)…thanx

                              • #136590

                                  Hi, yes, we talked about it today. I wanted to ask you whether you have your mic plugged into input 1 or input 2 of the H9. It should be plugged into 1…  If an input is plugged into input 2 and nothing is plugged into input 1, things might not work correctly.

                                  Also, you have a rather unusual set-up. We were wondering whether for the purpose of just figuring out his problem whether you could temporarily try plugging a guitar or something similar into the H9 and see if the behavior is the same.

                                • #136591

                                    hello….problem SOLVED….you'r friend was right. I plugged my mic into 1 input and the algoritm works properly…:)….for too difficult reason I plugged the mic into input 2….now I find the way to let it into 1 input to avoid any future problems…



                                  • #136592

                                      Terrific! Your problem had us worried for a while. 😉

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