New H9000 Preset Tool

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    • #163904

        Finally got the preset tool finished.  Currently for Windows only, though I’ll try to get an OSX version out shortly.

        This tool allows you to change the algorithm number of a preset. If you load custom algorithms into a different location than the developer, the presets for that algorithm won’t load unless you modify the presets.  This tool does that for you.  Make sure you read the manual.  You’ll need gzip to be installed, and added to your PATH in windows.

        H9000 Preset

      • #163916

          OSX version is now also available. Same link as above.  Scroll on the right column to Software.  There is a copy of the manual in the zip file.

        • #163922
          John Baylies

            Very cool! I will try this out sometime soon.

          • #165091

              I had a request to do a video tutorial on the Preset Tool, so here’s a video showing how to install it on Windows (it’s easier on OSX, as you don’t need to install gzip first), how to use the tool to change the algorithm ID of the presets, and finally how to get the presets onto the H9000 using Emote.

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