New Modfactor clip – some of my own presets

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    • #106076

         Hi Modfactorer's. I filmed a quick video last weekend demonstrating some of my own Modfactor presets; many inspired and advised by members of this board (thanks!).

        *Eventide techs: You will hear the LFO 'preset speed issue' mentioned elsewhere in these boards on a few of the preset changes.

        Cheers, BK.

      • #118307

           Hey Burger,

          nice video and settings. like the distorted d-wah effect.

          would be great if there was some way for us to share settings like the line 6 site.



        • #118334


            just noticed the sticky at the top which says we can now share patches by attatching sysex files .

             cool Cool

             Would be keen to try some of your presets, if you are happy to share.

            I have not really gotten round to editing much yet.



          • #118391

              awesome presets. i dialed the phaser and "ship ahoy" setting in right away. they're definitely get regular use

            • #118392

               Nice one Burger…you make good vids!

            • #118393

                Thanks guys, glad you like them. I have more which I'll upload in the coming weeks.

                Eventide staff: An open invitation!

                My company (SM Pro Audio) can help with the power supply issue if you wish. I will be at MusikMesse in Frankfurt (Hall 5.1 Booth B59) demonstrating my own (new) line of analog stomps ( I'm sure you probably have plans of your own but if you wish to talk to us we will only be too pleased to help on a manufacturing level.


                Brett Kingman

              • #119462


                Would you please share all your Mod Factor settings, specifically bank 3:2 with the distorted Q Wah; sounded like sonic paint spraying itself in a distorted Jackson Pollock-esque manner. 

                The Mod Factor is by far the hardest to get down while the Time Factor & Pitch Factor are somewhat straightforward and easier to stray on one's own so to speak.

              • #119463

                  Well, the unfortunate answer is that I lost them all when I did the recent update. However, there are records of these settings floating around on TGP and even on the YouTube page itself. Fortunately for you, the 3:2 setting was buried there in the Comments and goes something like:

                  Q-Wah; Intensity – 55; Type – Wah wah; Depth –
                  70; Speed – 7.59Hz; Shape – SMP/Hold; Xnob – 0; Dmod? – 63; SMod – 0;
                  Mod Rate – 0.12; Mod Source – Sine.

                  It should be pointed out that I was driving a Wampler Pinnacle (after the ModFactor) to get that fuzz tone you refer to.

                  Being a mad tweaker, I don't often keep presets or even record them for very long. But we both struck lucky this time. Big Smile

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