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November 26, 2008 at 5:02 pm #105937
Hi folks
we are looking into the possibility to add a number of new presets to Eclipse, if possible. I thought that your advice would be very much welcome on this.
Please send us your suggestions, desires about presets, focusing *particularly* on what could be programmed using the current algorithms you have on your Eclipse. Please don't ask for things that are not available, like a sampler
. We would like to add what you consider precious to you in the current programming capabilities Eclipse has.
We're listening……
November 26, 2008 at 9:22 pm #118054
Well…this is good news..
I think since Eclipse is becoming more aprecciated by guitar players, a few more presets with guitar in mind would be great.
By that I mean overdrive and distortion presets. That's really what makes the difference to guitar players since the other type of effects are already awesome in Eclipse.
Best regardsLu?s Lapa
November 26, 2008 at 10:27 pm #118055
i think some stuff using the filters…maybe a q-tron clone…some really cool lfo stuff (tuned for guitar, as many of the filter presets go beyond what guitar speakers can comfortably reproduce at the moment) – especially sounds similar to those used in dance and techno music. square wave trance gates with added filtering…more "synthy" stuff, perhaps using combinations of fuzz and vibrato/modulation…perhaps some presets using combinations of multi fx algos for general guitar processing (mod, delay, pitch, reverb etc)…and more stuff for ambient wierdness please (can't get enough of those presets!). i'm sure more will come to mind over the next few days – i'll keep a list and post it later…fantastic news!
November 27, 2008 at 2:12 am #118056
How about a reproduction of the "Funk Guitar" preset on the Korg A3 SPC.01 card, so all us U2 junkies don't have to comb eBay for 15 year-old f/x units to play "Mysterious Ways"
November 27, 2008 at 9:01 am #118058
we don't possibly own all gear out there. More details about the algorithm FX and an audio example could help.
November 27, 2008 at 9:02 am #118059
Hi Simeon
good advice!
More details?
Audio examples?
These could really help. Keep up the thinking!!!
November 27, 2008 at 9:53 am #118061
Hi Luis
thanks for your suggestion.
Eclipse distortion are more focused on "different" than typical gtr sounds. That's what we feel about our distortion sounds. It's also true that most guitarists have their own distortion area covered by amp/preamp/footstomps; that's the reason why we tend to focus more on the fx and use our distortion for more exotic usage, like lo-fi mayhem and similar sonic mangling activities.
What would you be interested in…regardin FX for guitar?
November 28, 2008 at 11:11 am #129172
totally agree about the distortions… just wanted to add a bit more about "synthy" guitar sounds….level tied to envelope > high pass filter tied to envelope > pitch shifter > fuzz > vibrato (width controlled by pedal with 100% mix, or 50% mix for more PWM type sounds > delay > reverb. too many fx at once? i'd love a square wave tremolo that's more like a slicer (boss sl-20 type vibe – rhythmic slices into filter) not sure if this is possible with current algos…i also love more sample and hold presets…great for adding rhythm to simple pads…what about some bit crushing stuff too (let's get nasty!) and some totally off the hook crazy fuzz / distortions with mental lo-fi delays verging on insanity. make this box just for me!!! 🙂 🙂
November 28, 2008 at 2:13 pm #129173
Thanks, Simeon!
Come on, folks! Speak UP!!!
November 28, 2008 at 11:33 pm #129174
Italo, I sent you a sound clip.
November 30, 2008 at 4:45 am #118064
Using the Eclipse's Harmonizing abilities, I'd like to hear your take on a 12-STRING Guitar preset.
The preset would allow doubling of High E as well as B, then octave the G, D, A and E strings or their "known" tunings in A440. It would also be cool to hear a Preset called "Nashville" – where a Nashville tuning was given (changing the low E to a High E, A to High A, etc.
If you've ever played a guitar in "Nashville Tuning", then you know how lush this can make songs and playing along with other standard tuning guitars sound.
I hope this is one you'll consider?
November 30, 2008 at 5:38 pm #129175
sounds like overderive thru envelope phaser and wah…kind of….
November 30, 2008 at 5:40 pm #118065
Hi Joel
unfortunately this is not possible. How the Harmonizer would tell a string from another?
The trick will work with a guitar w/separate outputs, where you could assign strings to a specific channel. Eclipse then could process 2 groups of strings separately.
November 30, 2008 at 9:07 pm #118068
This sounds great. Speaking as a non-guitarist who uses the eclipse strictly in the studio, I'd like to see more bread and butter presets, a bigger variety of usable reverbs (so many of the current reverb presets have crazy processing on them), delays (preferably tempo synced), phasers, flangers etc. I know it seems a bit dull, but I find most of the 200-500 presets too whacky for everyday use, and the time it takes to pull up one of the 100-200 'default' algorythm presets and modify can be a workflow killer sometimes. I do have a set of my own modified presets, but more are always welcome 🙂
December 1, 2008 at 12:55 am #129176
Yes! You're right, it does sound like some phase shifting going on. Any suggestions on where to start if I wanted to try to develope my own preset?
December 1, 2008 at 1:26 am #118069
1. I would like an octave generator effect, much like the Electro-Harmonix POG. The best feature of this pedal is that chords sound like an organ. I have not found anything that can emulate this on the Eclipse as of yet, unless you have a suggestion.
2. Maybe a tube preamp / tube compressor model. I think a lot of people are liking the Fractal Audio Axe-Fx more than the Eclipse because it's algorithms sound warmer, and more organic, and it's more guitar-player-friendly.
3. This isn't necessarily a preset suggestion, but it would be great if tap tempo could be set up more easily, and accurately in that regard. This is another area where Fractal Audio excels – making the unit more live-performance friendly. As it stands, the Eclipse is really more suited for studio use.
December 1, 2008 at 11:51 am #118070
ooh yes, exciting!
I defintiely would like more filters , and i agree with sim, tuned more for a guitar/guitar speakers ..
More tap delays that explore the rhythmic/panning creative possibilties of the taps..
The eclipse is so very highly complicated, i've only just started delving into the basic algorithms, with view to start creating my own sounds, i think any new presets should point in new directions to help users / give ideas to create their own..
December 1, 2008 at 1:14 pm #118071
Hi Eugene
1- it's a different kind of pitch shifting. Not possible w/current algorithms.
2-we do not support "modeling". A tube amp is still a tube amp!
3-how would be Tap Tempo "set up more easily and accurately" than what it is now?
December 1, 2008 at 6:35 pm #129178
Italo –
1 – Why not look into adding this type of pitch shifting? I don't understand why you will only work with existing algorithm's. If you look at Fractal Audio's support page, Cliff provides new algorithm's almost on a weekly basis, completely based on customer feedback. Why can't Eventide do this as well, instead of saying "stick to the available algorithm's"?
2. Why not consider supporting modeling? Why is this such a closed door with Eventide?
3. Tap tempo, set up via midi CC to an external, is NOT accurate using this method. The only accurate method of tap tempo is using the front button. This is CLEARLY not optimized for live performance, no?
December 1, 2008 at 6:52 pm #129179
Eclipse has already 100algorithms. Considering a preset can be made of two of them, the combinations are almost endless. The H_series has thousands and billions possibilities, owing to its modular structure. Different programming approaches can make adding algorithms simpler or more complex. We may add something new though. Modeling is not really a closed door for us but certainly not on this product. It requires a whole different system that we won't support for an existing product in this range at the moment. Good modeling, I mean really good, is expensive, certainly beyond most modeling units on the market today. But this is another story.
MIDI can be a bit slow, especially on long cables. Using a dedicated footswitch works great. Please try.
December 1, 2008 at 7:41 pm #118072
Hello Italo! This is a great idea! Like Rozzer, I would also like to have more "Bread & Butter" presets – especially with regards to Reverb and Delay. I think many of the current presets are too "weird" to be used in a typical mix, although they sound very exciting. I often use the Eclipse on vocals as a send effect, and find that there is almost no presets that can be used without heavy tweaking. What I miss the most is reverbs with shorter decays, that sounds more like a real room/space – not big, over the top FX that sounds good on its own, but can never be used in a mix. I would also like to have the possibility to tweak the presets from my computer/DAW, and I really don't understand why the E-control is for Pro Tools (RTAS) only, as most of your users is on a PC with Cubase as their DAW (or am I wrong?) and should be given a VST-plugin for FREE 🙂 (OK, a little off topic there, but you heard me – right?) 🙂 Keep up the good work!
December 1, 2008 at 7:46 pm #118073
HI Icebar
glad you like the idea!
I'm grateful for the more detailed specs on verbs (real room/space). I was also thinking about pitch+verb as thickening and ambience, multitap+verb for walls emulation and verb…..
As for the E-Control…we had to start from somewhere and ProTools remains the most used professional platform at the moment. We'll see if the future will bring more to it, hopefully.
December 1, 2008 at 8:57 pm #129180
Hi again, and thanks for your quick reply. Those suggestions of yours would also be of interest to me – especially the ambience an walls emulations. I also would suggest more snare reverbs or drums in general. How are you actually going to make those presets? Is it something which is planned for a new update or something?
December 1, 2008 at 9:03 pm #129181
Yes…we are contemplating the idea of a new update with some new stuff.
Those verbs require short delays or multitaps into verb…and some other secret techniques (
). Drums, yeah! Sounds like I'll use my drums loops for this.
December 1, 2008 at 9:37 pm #129182
I'm really looking forward to this! Do you know when we can expect it to be available? Is it some kind of Christmas present from Eventide? 😉
December 1, 2008 at 9:58 pm #129183
No info available at the moment…
December 2, 2008 at 4:57 pm #129186
You may try a preset based on 2 algorithms:
135 St Phaser and 149 Fuzz WahWammy
remember though that these presets use an LFO or a PEDAL to sweep phaser and wah. Both have a MANUAL_P parameter which is assigned by default to PEDAL 1 via EXT.1. You could re_assign MANUAL_Ps to FOLLOWER 1 to engage dynamic modulation of both, based on your playing dynamics, if that is what's going on in that song (I'm not sure). Quite some programming involved, based on acquiring the MODULATION information from the user manual.
Have fun!
December 3, 2008 at 12:36 am #129188
Thanks Italo. I'll play around with those this weekend. It's definitely a triggered auto-wah, like a Mutron.
December 11, 2008 at 5:21 pm #118101Good initiative!I like recreate the Pitch / Delay Block Diagram of the old LPX5 Lexicon to make some algorithms that I have in. They were very creative and permits interesting interactive sound processing. At this time I'm not able to do it. I can send block schema if you need and some value.Ciao.Alessandro
December 11, 2008 at 5:41 pm #118102
Hi Alessandro
as stated at the beginning of this thread it won't be an addition of new algorithms, rather a design of new presets with currently available ones.
The LPX-5 pitch/delay is very simple to recreate on the H-series, using Vsigfile.
It basically consists of a delay w/feedback feeding a pitch shifter>EQ> 2 parallel delays. Delay 2 (left channel) has feedback sent back to pitch input and feeds reverb (ambience).
You can try something similar on Eclipse:
build a preset made of Loop10 > Mshift+Reverb in series.
The first algorithm will be your delay 1 of the Lpx-5. Pitch and delay 2 will be replicated by Pitch 1 and its delay time in the second algorithm. Keep pitch at 0 cents for Pitch 2 in the second algo to replicate delay 3 of the Lexicon unit. It'll get very close to the original.
If you are interested in interaction fx between pitch & delay you MUST check Eclipse Manifold Alpha and Beta algorithms. These can do wonders!
December 12, 2008 at 2:17 am #118105
I vote for guitar presets, being that i'm a guitar player.
I would LOVE to have some more cool echo stuff like this:
(edge tones)
Still haven't found what im look for.(David Gilmore tones)
run like hellSomething like this would be really cool:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2EyupH54Bsmaybe some Eddie stuff……..too?
December 12, 2008 at 7:24 am #118106
What are the delays settings Edge uses on Pride?
December 15, 2008 at 6:04 pm #118113
Being a keyboardplayer I would like some more "bread and butter" presets for keyboard/synth. Specially Chorus+delay and Reverb presets.
Keld H
December 16, 2008 at 1:18 am #118115
My .02 cents.. Please do not try to emulate the Axe-fx. The eclipse is much more open and has sparkle. The axe-fx as an effects unit, I did not like in comparison to the eclipse in a head to head match. I do appreciate cliff's work on the Axe-Fx.. bit I dont want a axe-fx copy
I like what bmwm3cs said, The custom presets from star players is always a winner. The beginer eclipse owner would love these. Especially since we are in a instant greatification world.
My first though was the same thing Zaphope stated. the preset he stated (for keyboards) also apply to guitarist.. I use the eclipse with guitars amps mainly, but also with my Korg triton extreme.
December 16, 2008 at 7:14 am #129206
I would also like more intelligent harmonizers that follow MIDI chords to trigger the intervals – that is, IF this is possible with Eclipse. The Digitech guys are doing a lot with this, but I find their DSP to be too grungy and noisy.
I love the Eclipse, and would like a more dedicated harmonizer.
A backup desire would be more 'synthy' patches – especially for solos and lead-line playing. It would be great to have a new 'signature' sound that has people asking which synth it came from
December 17, 2008 at 12:59 am #129208
Hello I,
Regarding your question. Does it include new algo's or will it be tweaks of algos available?
December 17, 2008 at 1:12 am #129209
Oops, i should have read the question better. It states that it should be using existing algos.
My ideas:
Some bread and butter stuff. Sometimes very simple stuff.
A simple patch with a stereo delay with tap tempo, would be the easiest eay to just add an echo when needed. I now need to edit more delays away. So I made my own patch, which I use often, but would be great to have it inside the eclipse.
I did some guitaramplifier remake with a modulated combfilter. I guess there is not a amp simulator inside the Eclipse? Maybe an idea.
Maybe another 70-ties reverbblock?? 😉 That will need a new algo…
December 17, 2008 at 4:10 pm #129210
Hi Harrie
thank you for your input!
Looks like I have a good amount of useful suggestions from all of you folks, to start working on…
Please feel free to add more, if you like.
Thank you all for your time and attention!
Merry Xmas
December 18, 2008 at 7:16 pm #129213
Greetings! 1st, thank you for this initiative. I can't wait to see what comes out of it.
I know it has been said a few different ways but I wanted to chime in and lend some more support. This is coming strictly from a Guitarist perspective, using the Eclipse as the primary effect in a Amp's effect Loop live.
The range of options and possibilities do seem endless, and I would never want to take away the depth that is available if you want to dive deep.
I would really enjoy an increased number of more "basic" presets though. A lot of what comes stock is mindblowing upon 1st hearing but just is not practical on most basic guitar parts…they are simply over the top. Again, it is easy to find use for a lot of them (more in a solo guitar environment but not so easy when you just want to add a dash of something.
This is especially important for "on the fly" changes while playing live or while writing. "Hey how about a little slap back effect on that bridge?", or "just need some good clean chorus on that interlude…"
I feel like if your buying an Eclipse…you know what it is capable of. You don't need 400+ presets just to make you go "WOW!". I hate feeling like if I don't have a LOT of time to go in and tweak/create a special preset for a very simple effect need that it is easier to just step on a Choralflange pedal and get a sound that is only 1/2 as good, but 10x as easy to access…Especially when I know my Eclipse can do it better, if it just had the more basic presets there already.
December 19, 2008 at 5:14 pm #118122
A few settings things to improve usability:
1. A tuner that show both the note and the amount out or +/- at the same time, I often need to tune without hearing the sound. Also helps those who use a drop tuning.
2. Auto correct presets for different keys, to change keys or other parameters you now have to go 4 menu levels deep.
3. Basic guitar preamp chain with tube preamp+ low ratio comp( 2:1+ spring reverb+ hum and high frequency noise filters. Top level menus for (Gain, Comp Threshold, Reverb Depth, HF cutoff
freq. -
December 20, 2008 at 4:50 am #118125
If you make up a preset with the "Mute" module after the tuner, no sound will pass when that preset is called up.
January 9, 2009 at 4:09 am #118165
How about including Stutter? That's the only thing keeping me from ditching my H3000 for an Eclipse.
January 9, 2009 at 4:18 am #118166
I would also like to chime in with: please continue with the cutting edge effects! I don't know why anyone would want to spend all their time and money trying to copy other people's tones instead of creating something unique from themselves. People like Jimi Hendrix and Steve Vai were pushing the envelope of available technology to create their groundbreaking sounds, not copying other people. My 2 dollars….
January 9, 2009 at 6:30 pm #118169
hello from Alessandro
i think as a guitarist i need some sounds that can make a difference from the average player.
i'm thinking about Landau chorus studio sound with comp and delay(Italo you know what),Michael Thompson verb/delay sounds,autowah and crazy stuff,some presets which are a good starting point to get The Edge shimmering stuff from joshua on…
is that too much?
if you can produce good sounds that help "working" i guess that will be winner,not that much the out of this world sounds…
think what fractal audio is putting up….
greets from Italy
January 9, 2009 at 6:57 pm #118170
believe me, there's already a lot of that in Eclipse. It just needs you to go thru the presets and also make some A+B blocks combinations.
The Landau chorus (I know you refer to the '80s Landau dynoMyPiano tones!) is only available on the H-series as it's a monster algorithm I worked on for a couple of years….
Though we have some new stuff that probably may get close to that. I'll try that out.
February 1, 2009 at 7:18 pm #129334
I don't know if the Ecliipse has the necessary algorithms to accomplish this, but I wish the Film Atmospheres patches from the Orville/H8000 series (such as Galaxy Borders2, Europa, Gothica VROOOM, and Italo's Space) could be ported over to the Eclipse. These patches sound incredible when applied to synth pads, etc.
February 2, 2009 at 8:28 am #129335
Unfortunately the Film/Atmospheres presets are way too large to fit on Eclipse.
February 2, 2009 at 3:41 pm #129337
Hi, is the Eclipse capable of creating sound for a song "Map of the problematique" by Muse? I am interested in filtered arpeggio and not fuzz…
You can do it with Digitech IPS and AXE fx and it sounds like this…
What would settings and algorythm should I use for this sound? I have settings from IPS:
IPS: I went back to preset 123 which is a arpeggiator preset. Then I made a new pattern based on the suggested setting below.
I used:
Scale: major
Var: Par
Key: C
Bend mode: closest interval
Pattern: my custom pattern
Tempo: 125
Notes/Beat: 4
Pat reps: Nonstop
Triggering: Note on
Normal trackingExample for C
-2 = down two octaves
-1 = down one octave
+1 = up one octave
+2 = up two octaves
nothing = regular noteStep Output
1 C -2
2 C -1
3 C +2
4 C
5 C +2
6 C
7 C -2
8 C -1
9 C +2
10 C
11 C +2
12 C
13 C -2
14 C -1
15 C +2
16 CThanks!
February 2, 2009 at 4:19 pm #129338
it doesn't sound like an arpeggio, nor there's any filter that can be heard.
Sounds like a sample & hold creating some rhythms on held chords.
You can try algorithm #137 Dual Sample & Hold or #154 S/HFilter+Pong…and get very creative on their settings.
February 3, 2009 at 11:56 am #118238
3D SPATIAL effects would be fine i dont know why u dont have those on Eclipse ?
March 2, 2009 at 9:13 pm #118346
Since most of us guitarists use a seperate unit as a preamp, maybe some presets taylored to guitarists without any distortions. Ex-more tremolos, flanges, choruses effect presets. Also, for musicians that do their own sound, like me, presets for "live vocals for a club" or "live delay presets for vocals in a club", "live acoustic guitar", etc. We buy high end products like yours for the sound but some of us aren't engineers so we rely on the presets.
March 6, 2009 at 10:35 pm #118369
A modification of the oscilator algorithm with sync and midi control options would open up a whole new area of preset desighn!
March 9, 2009 at 9:28 am #118373
Many Eclipse algorithms have the LFO already working like this.
You'll see Retrigger and Angle parameters
Retrig = Whenever the sweep rate is changed (either manually or by updating the tempo), the new rate is crossfaded
with the old rate. The value of Retrig controls how long the crossfade is as a percentage of the old rate. Thus, a
value of 1 cycle means that the crossfade will be complete in one cycle of the old rate.
Angle = given most configurations of the Eclipse, the sweep rate will "start over" when the tempo button is tapped or
when an external sequence is started. Angle determines where in its waveform the sweep begins.MIDI is already connected to the LFO rate. By setting T_Rate to any rhythmic value and choosing Eclipse tempo source to MIDI, MIDI Clock does the work. Or you can use any CC message to tap tempo.
Is this what you are looking for?
March 11, 2009 at 8:05 pm #129494
Actually I was proposeing that the oscilator be made syncable to incoming audio or midi notes!
By further processing this audio [ie;distotion ect.] or mixing it into the dry audio alot of interesting timbers and modulations can be created.Even more can be done by further processing this audio. -
March 11, 2009 at 8:23 pm #129496
March 12, 2009 at 10:59 pm #129498
March 20, 2009 at 5:10 am #129522
1. I'm always interested in lo-fi analog style delays, similar to an old Deluxe Memory Man (with modulation available for the repeats, of course).
2. Can you create a good approximation of a Leslie/Rotating speaker using existing Eclipse algos?
3. Pitch-shift + Tremolo would be great (reference U2's, "Lemon")
4. New, improved whammy?
5. Univibe
March 20, 2009 at 10:25 am #129523
Hi jc
1. I'm always interested in lo-fi analog style delays, similar to an
old Deluxe Memory Man (with modulation available for the repeats, of
course).You will get more possibilities to do these, with the addition of TFactor delays and filters.
2. Can you create a good approximation of a Leslie/Rotating speaker using existing Eclipse algos?
The MFactor Leslie is in!
3. Pitch-shift + Tremolo would be great (reference U2's, "Lemon")
Working on it right now….
4. New, improved whammy?
What do you mean by "improved"?
5. Univibe
Stuff from MFactor is being added. To my taste, Univibe replicas need a lot of power, like on the h8000. We'll see what we can come up with….by further tweaking.
March 20, 2009 at 11:07 am #129524
awesome. this is very exciting, italo…keep up the good work!
March 21, 2009 at 8:41 pm #129527
Hi Italo,
Thanks for the reply.
Very good news about all of those additions to the Eclipse from TimeFactor and ModFactor! Thanks!!
As far as the whammy goes, I wish I could be more specific, but it seems to me like the classic Digitech Whammy or Digitech IPS 33B whammy sounds just seem to have more "oomph" or presence to them, and I think they track a bit better also. Maybe I just need to experiment and tweek more? But I have heard some other people voice similar opinions.My reference points for whammy sounds are usually Satriani (Rasberry Jam Delta V, among a few others) or The Edge (Even Better Than the Real Thing, etc.).
I agree with someone above who said more "bread and butter" type presets would be very helpful. Sometimes we guitar players can be very tradtional as well as crazy/experimental.
March 22, 2009 at 2:42 pm #129528
the thing about whammy effects, is that the normal whammy pedal gets placed before the praemp and multifx "emulations" tend to get placed after (in the fx loop or inbetween the preamp and poweramp). the problem with this is, that if the pitch shifting occurs after the preamp, then the whole sound (harmonics and all) gets shifted up, which can make it sound thin. this doesn't happen when the whammy is in front of the preamp – it's just the source sound (the guitar) that gets shifted – the natural preamp sound and harmonics stay as they are.
March 24, 2009 at 11:47 pm #129543
I place the whammy in front of my amp, not in the fx loop. I have a Switchblade, so I can put my Eventide fx either in an amp's loop or in front. But your comments are still helpful, so thank you.
I'll just go back and experiment more and see if I can be more precise in my comments.
March 26, 2009 at 7:42 pm #129565
How much more time do we have to offer suggestions for new Eclipse presets? Is time almost running out?
March 27, 2009 at 6:08 am #129567
Do it, Jeff!
April 27, 2009 at 10:00 am #129679
Hello Italo,
What about a Multiband Compressor?
Also a Speaker Simulator preset should be possible working early reflections, rooms etc… -
April 27, 2009 at 2:17 pm #129680
How about adding a 12 string guitar effect?
Set the patch up to double notes played in the higher register, and octave those in the lower register. It would not work everywhere on the neck, but it would work up to about the 5th fret.
Great for strumming for the odd bit of picking low on the neck.No other company with harmonization effects has attempted this to my knowledge.
April 27, 2009 at 3:15 pm #129681
Hi Woland
can't do MB_Compression. Too heavy for the engine.
You are asking for ambience rather than Speaker Simulation. A bunch of super verbs from the H8000 have been added. Particularly room/chamber/plate can do what you are asking for….
April 27, 2009 at 3:17 pm #129682
Hi Cosmiclug
to *really* make a good 12 string gtr it'd take a guitar with 6 separated outputs or a stereo output with a panning mixer. This would be the only way to assign the top 2 strings to a unison pitch shifter and the lower 4 strings to a +1 octave shifter.
April 27, 2009 at 3:27 pm #129683
Of course that's not what I wanted to hear! 🙂
Cheers –
April 27, 2009 at 3:45 pm #129684
Too bad for multiband compression…
Sorry maybe I wasn't clear, I was actually thinking of a way to make a speaker simulator preset.
Such preset would be great, because the distortions of the Eclipse are very good to my ears and it could allow to go direct.
Ciao -
April 27, 2009 at 3:55 pm #129685
You can use the preamp 3 band parametric EQ and the hicut parameter to fine tune the tonal response of the distortion, then feed the algorithm to a short verb/ambience preset for "air".
The 2 algorithms should be stored in a single preset then.
A good example is #474 L.A. Blues
April 29, 2009 at 5:14 pm #129692
I'd point out that if I wanted the Eclipse to sound like an Axe-Fx unit, I'd have just bought an Axe-Fx…
Sounds like a lot of what I'd love to see is already in the works, as far as including ModFactor and TimeFactor patches in the new update (any PitchFactor stuff too?)
I feel somewhat ashamed to admit this, but the initial notion I had when purchasing my Eclipse was that it could be sort of a switch hitter- I already have the TimeFactor and a ModFactor, so if I wanted to, say, stack two of the pedal presets, I'd just dial in the equivalent Eclipse patch and effectively have two TF's or MF's in the chain….
Obviously the box is useful for other things beyond that, but being able to use it as a drop-in replacement for my stompboxes without having to strip out all the unnecessary preamp stuff or whatever, that would make my day!
April 29, 2009 at 7:01 pm #129693
All right folks!
I can anticipate some of the news in the presets:
-all TF&MF fx are in Eclipse and some cool tweaks of them!!!
-some new "bread & butter" tools added
-some SUPER reverbs straight from the H8000…OMG!
-amazing post_processed verbs! KILLER STUFF-
-3 GTR Rigs for your Gigs! ! ! Worth the box alone.
-textures I still can't believe are there..and can't switch to the next preset as I'm playing with each
-Lemon is in!
-Classic "Tales From The Bulge" tones are in…for the discriminating player!
-Swims and Talks are in! (??? = wait!)
Carl, you'll need an Eclipse, even though you own the 2 Factors. The 3 of them together will make unreal things, believe me!
Back to quiet mode.
April 29, 2009 at 7:37 pm #129694
wow – sounds amazing!
so any updates to the OS as well? someone mentoned about better midi clock handling….?
and what is "lemon"??
April 29, 2009 at 10:33 pm #129695
Hahah, no, I'm already lovin' it! Very excited about new verbs though!
But I guess that means I have to man up and buy an actual PitchFactor, eh?
April 30, 2009 at 3:18 am #129697
That sounds amazing italo!!….
Yeah I hate to not seem like I don't appreciate what is above….because reading what italo posted it sounds so killer(thanks Eventide!!, wow I love that stuff), but reading various posts from eventide and some others;) I thought the new pitch factor stuff with the new tracking updates was in the works too….
Verbs from the H8000…wow! Lemon? This is gonna be one smokin' update for the eclipse!
I'm very curious about that new stuff….sounds beyond cool!!! Thanks:).
May 1, 2009 at 9:47 pm #129702
Hi Italo this sounds very interesting.
I am now wondering what you sugest and how you have the 3 FACTORS and ECLIPSE wired and setup in your system to make unreal things happen?
Is Eventide desighning all units to work together as a whole system?
Robert. -
May 4, 2009 at 5:00 am #129708
and what is "lemon"??
"Lemon" is from U2's album "Zooropa". The effect Edge uses there is an octave up + tremelo + maybe a little phasing (?). Anyway, it's a very cool sound–have a listen. Thanks a million to Italo and crew for adding it to the Eclipse! The new updates should be fantastic.
May 4, 2009 at 5:52 am #129709
Hi Robert
there are different ways you can have the 4 units wired, depending on what type of setup you use. Assuming it's a gtr rig, as that's what more likely implies the use of pedals, if distortion is created with other pedals, you may have the 3 Factors after distortion. I like PITCH > MOD > TIME, and Eclipse in the FX Loop or post-preamp anyway. If the amp is also your distortion machine, then all Eventides should be in the FX loop. I don't like distorting the fx…better effecting the distortion.
We don't really tweak these units in a big scheme, with other units. But things happen alone! Very often you have a bunch of presets running together and you just change ONE preset in any of the units and get an amazing new sound. My experience in this is to start working with 2 units only and keep one of them on a single preset, while listening to the other box presets….and repeat with all units combos. It takes time….but results are really worth.
One thing that I like a lot are textural sounds. Most of them have long duration events, owing to delays and/or reverb. When you string together 2 (or more) units running such type of presets you don't know what you're going to get…that's where some extra magic happens! Delayed shifters followed by tap delays, trem+vibrato+shift > long delays, verbs > modfilters….. there are many possibilities there.
Having an array of processors allows to have more effects that one or 2 of the units can't do at all or can't do while doing something else. That's the main reason why having 3 Factors and an Eclipse will give you more. Eclipse verbs are unique to it, while the Factors can do their own jobs…and can be changed the sequence they are connected together.
These are all spices! You need to start adding them in different quantities and taste the soup. Care with salt!!!
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