New routing

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    • #108717

      Hi eventide world, Smile

      It is possible to do this routing with the routing utility :

      Firewire1 8 + Aes 8 + analog to Firewire2

      I explain : 

      I want to mix the 2 presets Firewire 8 and Aes 8 : for a mixing situation

      I want to plug a stereo hardware compressor in the 2 analogs in/out to use the converters of H8000 :

      also for a mixing situation.

      Is it possible ?

      Is someone can help me to do this ?

      It will be wonderful if someone could do this routing for me and send me this routing. Big Smile

    • #123413
      Eventide Staff

      Probably not, I'm afraid – the I/O mixing combinations are limited to the 8 main inputs and the dsp outputs. The other connections are very versatile, but limited to one to one.

      You should have a look at the Routing Utility on the support pages – this will answer most routing questions.

    • #123418

      Ok, thanks.

      And it is possible to do a routing :

      analog -> Firewire2 (not firewire 1 !) ?

      just to use the converters


    • #134518
      Eventide Staff

      You can go from analog to FW2, but this may limit some of the other things you can do simultaneously, for example you could not at the same time run all 8 channels of FW1 though the dsps, but you could connect them to (say) ADAT out.

      Again, the Routing Utility will answer your questions better than I can – there are so many possible options, that things become complicated.

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