No Answer From Support Email

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    • #176656


        I’m trying to get help from the support email, but I recived a mail that states:

        Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:

        Your message wasn’t delivered. Despite repeated attempts to deliver your message, a connection to the remote server couldn’t be made.Contact the recipient by some other means (by phone, for example) and ask them to tell their email admin that it appears that your email system is unable to connecto their email system. Give them the error details shown below. It’s likely that the recipient’s email admin is the only one who can fix this problem.

        For more information and tips to fix this issue see this article:


        I’v registered a Omnipressor plug-in I’v bought and It doesn’t appear on my Ilok, and not on my account, and when I try to register it again it reads that this key is taken.

        Other than that, how do I know my subscription doesn’t auto renew?

        Thank you.

      • #176664
        Eventide Staff

          Can you try emailing support again? If it doesn’t work please attach a copy of the non-delivery email to this thread

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