- This topic has 17 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 10 months ago by
December 31, 2011 at 2:49 am #108272
doing a lot of H7600 and Toft ATB troubleshooting tonight… and one thing i notice is that i'm getting NO input or output meter lights lighting up on my H7600 even though i can hear the effect working…
i've looked thru the SETUP menus to make sure i haven't turned off any meter parameter or anything…. but..
does it sound like my H7600 has to go in for repair?
December 31, 2011 at 6:45 pm #122988
It may be that your levels are too low to move the meters – try adjusting the input gaintrims.
If so, this could possibly also explain your looper problem.
December 31, 2011 at 10:07 pm #122989
with the input gains at +9… and HEARING the effect OK… still no activity… but i'll keep experimenting..
why would low levels cause a pop on the looper?
September 14, 2012 at 2:41 pm #123822
just reviving this old thread because i never solved the problem.
even if i'm sending a signal into the 7600 that's blowing my ears off i only ever get a maximum of one input LED lighting up and sometimes 2 output LEDs…
this is with a synth plugged directly into the 7600… not using the aux loop in my toft mixer at all (when i use that i get a massive -30db noise floor from the 7600.. that's another problem altogether)
this 7600 has been so weird… with levels.. that i hardly ever turn to it to use.. which is a shame. maybe i should send it to eventide so i can find out if the problem is with the unit or something on my end.
September 14, 2012 at 3:03 pm #134872
It's almost certainly something at your end, so don't rush to send the unit in. Maybe you are connecting unbalanced feeds using a balanced-type cable. All three XLR or jack pins must be connected to something, otherwise you get (to quote the UM) more noise than signal. Same applies to the outputs.
If you are using 1/4" unbalanced, be sure to use a mono cable, meaning tip/sleeve, not tip/ring/sleeve.
September 14, 2012 at 3:20 pm #134874
it definitely may be something like that.
the toft atb's aux section uses single stereo outputs. the stereo sends and returns are on one cable each. a balanced stereo jack. which i had cables made for.. i'll have to check my send jacks.
but, still, even with a synth plugged directly into the input of the 7600.. with a loud patch.. i get little to no movement on the 7600 input LEDs.
September 14, 2012 at 3:24 pm #134875
also, the noisefoor on the 7600 is quite huge.. low rumbles and noise.
September 14, 2012 at 3:36 pm #134876
i've tried both TS and TRS feeding the input of the 7600 from the toft board and i can barely hear the effect.. even with the sends and returns pegged to the top.
but, because i hear the effect fine when i plug directly into the 7600 or through a little mackie mixer i have…. i think the problem is the toft…
but it still doesn't explain the meters not moving on the 7600 or the massive noise floor
September 14, 2012 at 3:46 pm #134878
oh, and for what it's worth… my h3000 sounds fine cabled into the same system. it's only the 7600 that suffers from these low levels and noise.
September 14, 2012 at 3:57 pm #134879
The 7600 has different input and output circuitry, which gives higher performance but is more dependent on cabling.
Don't really think I can do anything for you unless you want to totally document your setup, describing all cables and connections. And, even then, it could be a faulty cable. Sounds like you need to have a good technician check out your setup.
You could certainly send the unit in, but my guess is that they will find nothing. However, I have been known to be wrong, so this is an option.
September 14, 2012 at 4:04 pm #134881
thanks, nick… i guess the basic info you'd need to know to at least see if i'm in the right ballpark with cabling is that the toft mixer i use has:
– mono send on a 1/4" jack
– stereo return on a single 1/4" jack
can you tell me what cables i'll need to properly interface with the 7600?
right now i've tried both TS and TRS 1/4" to XLR for the send
and i have a custom made 1/4" TRS (toft) to two XLR female (eventide) for the return
September 14, 2012 at 7:09 pm #134886
For the mono send you should use a regular mono guitar-type cable, meaning tip and sleeve, no ring.
The return is a little harder, as the 7600 has no 1/4" out. Your custom cable should do it, as long as all the XLR pins are connected correclty. It needs to be wired:
1 – gnd (Sleeve)
2 – hot (Tip)
3 – gnd (Sleeve)
1 – gnd (Sleeve)
2 – hot (Ring)
3 – gnd (Sleeve)
You will probably need to boost the gain on the input and cut it on the output by the same amount.
September 14, 2012 at 7:19 pm #134888
thanks for the details. that XLR wiring seems pretty specific… is this common? or even in the 7600 manual?
to need 2 different pin wirings for each XLR cable seems odd.. (no?) surprised this isn't a hot topic of 7600 owners (unless different pin wiring for L/R channels is common)
i'll open up my cables and see if i can determine how they're wired.. and re-solder them if needed.
September 14, 2012 at 10:12 pm #134889
It's not specific to the 7600 – it's how to make a balanced-mono to unbalanced-stereo Y-lead. Unless I made a mistake, any other way of doing it would be wrong.
The wiring for the XLRs are only different because one goes to tip (say left) and the other goes to ring (say right).
September 14, 2012 at 10:22 pm #134891
ok.. thanks… after i got everything back in the rack today it's all working, but not optimally. i think the fault is just the toft board for being pretty quiet in my experience. i really have to crank and sends and returns to get it to sound normal.
i still don't get anything at all on the 7600 LEDs, even when the signal sounds OK. i guess the sound is what really matters.. i don't really care if i see activity on the LEDs or not, it's just strange they don't show activity.
they do light up on power-up, though, so they're not burned out or anything.
September 17, 2012 at 3:25 pm #134895
Obviously you could have a hardware fault, but that is unlikely – as you say, they light up at startup.
Most likely is that you are feeding it such a low level signal that it doesn't show. If this is the case, you will possibly get more noise and distortion than you would like, and level-sensitive stuff like compressors and pitchshifters may not work properly.
May 15, 2024 at 3:15 pm #182720
reviving this old thread since I’m experiencing a similar issue with an H8000FW I just received.The meter doesn’t seem to be responding at all, just the bottom line of LED’s are lit.
The facts:
– Balanced connection from a Metric Halo LIO8 interface to analog ins 1+2 of the unit
– Playing a loud signal, around -10dbfs
– Meters in the LIO8 show that what is returning to the interface is the same level as what is leaving
– Meter lights up on start up
– Meter responds fine when I crank the Pre-AD input level, but
– I can crank up the output level from the interface so much that it clips the D/A and H8000 meter remains at the -40 mark
– Tried different cables, same result
Any ideas? Taylor 12k did you ever get the problem solved? I wouldn’t want to keep this unit without being able to internally gain stage properly.
Thank you in advance! I am aware that the 8000 is no longer in production. Any help is greatly appreciated!
May 15, 2024 at 5:21 pm #182721
Boosting the level in the interface to the point of it clipping the d/a does move the 8000’s meter, to around 30%. Is this the expected behavior? That a very healthy line level signal does not even register on the meter?
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