No Midi-communication between H90 and G3S

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    • #178786

      Hi, I was just setting up my new G3S Switcher and do not get program changes happen on my H90 via Midi. I have set up both devices on channel 1. Any (at least for me) hidden thing I need to change on one of the devices to ensure they talk to each other?

      Thanks for you support!

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    • #178797
      Eventide Staff

      The H90 will receive PC messages by default. You only need to make sure your devices are on the correct channel.

      Have you successfully used this MIDI controller with another device to send PC messages before?

    • #178804

      Hi, the H90 is the only MIDI-capable device I have and the MIDI controller is new, so I have no prior experience with it at all. Actually what you see on the display means MIDI message 1 is a PC message on channel 1 to switch to program 5 (1 1, PCs, 5). Do you have any experience withe the GigRig G3S Switcher?

    • #178806
      Eventide Staff

      Sorry, I don’t have any experience with that MIDI controller.

      Your settings on the H90 are correct. If the MIDI controller is using the same channel as the H90, and the MIDI output of the controller is connected to the MIDI input of the H90, then PC messages should change programs on the H90.

      I would suggest looking up some tutorials for your MIDI controller if you are not familiar with how it works.

    • #178807

      Thanks for your support, I contacted the GigRig folks in parallel and hope they have an answer for me. According to the YouTube vids I saw it should work…

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