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    • #112018

      Hello all…new guy here.

      I just picked up my H9 last week. Used it to make a great little travel pedalboard. In front of it are the three Xotic mini pedals…the SL Drive, EP Boost and SP Compressor. When I run the guitar straight into the H9, it is dead quiet. As soon as I put it in the signal Xotic signal chain, there's a very low humming. It's not the other pedals, because without the H9 in the chain, they're quiet as well. Same thing happened when I tried putting other pedals in front as well. And the humming is present even when all pedals are in bypass mode. Has anyone else experienced this with the H9?


    • #126849
      Eventide Staff

        You have a ground loop through your connections. Make sure that you are using the supplied power supply, and that no switches or pedals are connected to the H9 and something else. Remove connections one by one to see which is the problem.

      • #126850

        Checked all connections. Everything's fine. Power supply is not the issue. Again, when used alone the H9 is dead quiet. When used without the H9, the other three pedals are dead quiet. When they are all in series (regardless of the cable used to connect them), there is a low hum even when none of the pedals are active. I just can't figure it out.

      • #126851

        Thanks for the response. I've checked all connections. Power supply is good.

        When the H9 is used alone (not in series with any other pedals) it's dead quiet.

        Similarly, when the other three pedals are used without the H9 in the signal chain, they are also dead quiet.

        When the H9 is placed in the signal chain (regardless of the cable used…George L, Monster, Lava, etc…) there is a low humming which is noticeable even with everything in bypass mode.

        Tried this with an entirely different pedalboard and had the same results. It seems like anything placed before the H9 in the signal chain causes this humming.

        This makes no sense to me.

      • #126852

        I've tried posting two replies…not sure what's happening.

      • #137472
        Eventide Staff

          Please confirm that you are using the supplied power supply.

          If so, make sure that none of the power supplies for other pedals are grounded. There must only be ONE ground connection in the whole system (usually the amp).

          If this is the case, I'm out of ideas (hard to diagnose these things from a distance). The H9 could be faulty, but don't think so. You'll probably need to get someone to look at the system.

        • #137474

          Thank you very much for your help. It was a grounding issue with one of the other pedals. All is good.

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