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July 5, 2012 at 11:22 am #108912
Hi Nick Rose
I'm playing with my Eventide H8000fw ,v 5.5 ,thru the loop of my Rivera amp.I have only an Eclipse before the H8000,nothing else in the loop
From time to time, on unpredictable moments ,I hear a big " bang" (repeated rapidly 2X ),thru the Rivera HP,only with the Pgrm : "Black Hole". (Levels put on 27%)
I didn't however made any modification to this Pgrm ?
E.M. Pulinx
July 5, 2012 at 3:29 pm #123619
It would be interesting to know if it happens with just the H8000, as otherwise it might be related to your other equipment.
It also may be a delay memory problem – in this case one would expect it to happen on different programs as well.
Clicks or bangs are particularly noticeable on reverbs, especially big one like Black Hole.
July 5, 2012 at 5:23 pm #123621yes ,indeed!1) employing other equipments :As my Rivera is a tube amp,I could suspect the tubes !I employed then 2 others amps in stereo with others cables in another studio ,looping in the Eclipse (Prg Ring Tap mod with no modifications) and then in the H8000 with Disp A on Prg Black Hole : I got also a big bang,also infrequently, ,just as with the Rivera in my own studio.2) just with the H8000 :I have to put out the loop the Eclipse, letting the H8000 alone then ?3) delay memory prb :I let on different occasions Disp A on "Majestic plate " or "Glorious Chrs Canyon , and Disp B on "Beyond the stars or "intervallic quad" and I couldn't hear any bang ,but I will verify on a longer period if it does not happen with these 2 others Verbs
July 11, 2012 at 10:39 am #134676
Hi Nick!
I've done different tests ,with only the H8000 in the loop (of the Rivera amp or the Mesa Boogie)
8 Hours non stop music with the Majestic plate :
never heard a bang
6 Hours with glorious chorus canyon:
3 or 4 "bangs" per hour ,sometimes 2/H ,that's approximately the same frequency as with "Black Hole"
I anticipated to use the H8000 and his big reverbs in my concert rack,but it will be impossible :such a bang would scare the listeners off !
What solution do you propose ?
July 11, 2012 at 3:12 pm #134677
Does the problem only occur when running the reverb on DSP A ? This would suggest a hardware problem (fault in delay memory) which is more likely to occur on DSP A. If this is the case, you could either only run these reverbs on DSP B, or send it in for service.
July 11, 2012 at 6:13 pm #134679
All right Nick,
I'll run those 2 big reverbs thru DSP B
I'll let u know what it happens !
cheers !
July 11, 2012 at 6:23 pm #134680
Ok Nick
my reverbs are always runnig thru DSPA ,I let always DSPB for effects.
I'll try to run those revebs thru DSPB,and let u know what happens !
July 13, 2012 at 4:04 pm #134686
I tried to run out the verbs thru DSPB ,with 4 Channel parallel routings or with one of my derived user's routing; on DISPA several modulation effects
:of the users 3 verbs in my user bank, I got only a verb with majestic plate !
black hole and glorious chorus canyon refused to produce a reverb,even with the levels of 100%!!
I had only the "dry" sound of the guitar..
As for DISPA, certain effects appeared as polyring pre,others didn't appear as intervallic quad or beyond the stars,even with levels to 100% ..only a dry sound
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