Noticeable click when using Timefactor looper function

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    • #111009

      The problem is this: when recording "pads" onto the looper theres a noticeable click every time the looper passes the zero mark/start point!

      A test is carried out as follows:

      1) the looper is set to perform the cleanest loop with the Depth knob set to Smooth and with no Decay function on the Feedback A knob.

      2) a loop is set without introducing any sound.

      3) using a continuous sound, such as a synth or using the Electro Harmonix Freeze, a sound is recorded to the loop using a volume pedal, fading in the sound.

      4) when the loop is full with the continuous sound, the volume pedal is used to fade out the sound, creating no sudden changes in volume what so ever.

      5) recording is stopped, the pedal is looping away and there is now a noticeable click every time the zero mark/start point is passed.

      This test has been carried out with Speed settings at both 1X and 1/2 settings, as well as in Tempo Off setting.

      The same test has been performed on several other inferior loopers such as Boss RC-50, Electro Harmonix 2880, TC Electronics Ditto, Boss Giga Delay DD-20 and Strymon El Capistan and Timeline, and NO CLICK appears when passing the start point!

      I sincerely hope for a response to this email. The Timefactor is an awesome pedal in so many ways and its hard for me to believe that the looper function should be so "faulty"

    • #125162
      slim verhoef

        A software upgrade to version 3 sorted this problem for me..

      • #125164
        Eventide Staff

          There can be a click when it loops around. We hope to have an improved looper next year (time to be announced) which will fix this.

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