Octavox MIDI Functionality Question

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    • #114973



      First time poster here, have really enjoyed playing around with the Octavox demo! Very quality plugin with very smooth harmony generation and awesome delay effects. I had a question regarding MIDI functionality though, before pulling the trigger on purchasing…

      When in MIDI control mode, the vocal harmonies seem to always “move along” with the vocal input from the determined MIDI harmony based on the keys I am pressing and the selected key that I’m in. This is a cool effect, but not quite what I’m looking for, as it’s not exactly “playable” in the way that I would play keys, it’s just “controllable” in that I can set the harmony shifts MIDI. When I vary the pitch of my voice, the respective harmonies also vary. For example, if I sing a C note, and press E and G keys, I will hear E and G harmonies, but if I sing higher than C with those keys still pressed, the E and G harmonies will then move up to whatever the 3rd and 5th of the new note I am singing is. 

      Is there a way to get Octavox to hold the vocal note to the key that I’m pressing, and keep it there regardless of the vocal input? Basically resulting in what is functionally a non-synthy vocoder, done through harmony generation rather than synth/formant mixing. Ideally this mode wouldn’t require setting a key/scale either, as it would simply shift the pitch of the vocal input to the note(s) of the MIDI input, and would keep it there until new MIDI notes are pressed.

      Melda Production’s MHarmonizerMB does exactly this, which is great, but when shifting more than a few semitones the quality leaves a bit to be desired (unlike Octavox, where large shifts still sound natural, hence why I don’t want to settle on MHarmonizerMB just yet).

      Does what I’m looking for make sense? Thanks for your help.



    • #150275

      Bump? If this isn’t the right type of question for this forum or I’m in the wrong place, I apologize! 

    • #150281
      Eventide Staff

        Hey Kam-

        Sorry for the delay in response. Totally valid question and you're in the right place!

        Unfortunately, Octavox doesn't have this capability. It was not initially designed with this feature in mind, and adding this functionality would be quite difficult at this point.


      • #150666

          antares harmony engine has this feature. The plugin sounds good on vocals, though it seems less so for instruments.

        • #150737

            I thought this plugin would do this exact thing, but it won’t. Antares Harmony Engine does and it’s awesome. 

          • #154317

            I”m a bit late to this thread, but I have the solution.

            This is my Logic Pro X setup allowing me to live harmonize with MIDI input like the “Prismizer/Messina”

            You want 4 channels:

            1. Dry Vocal (DV)
            2. Hardtuned Vocal (HV) 
            3. Hardtuned Rootnote Vocal (RV)
            4. OctaVox (OV)

            Here’s the setup:

            1. DV – Create Audio Track

            • Prefader Send to Bus # > creates 2. HV
            • Prefader Send to Bus #+1 > creates 3. RV

            2. HV – Use pitch correction plugin to hardtune this incoming vocal to the scale of the song you will sing.

            3. RV – Use pitch correction plugin to hardtune incoming vocal to the rootnote of the scale (Single tone only)

            4. OV – Create Software Instrument track and choose MIDI Controlled OctaVox instrument.

            • Sidechain in OctaVox from RV channel
            • Copy settings from the attached OctaVox MIDI Setup picture

            You should now have a live MIDI Harmonizer setup (in Logic Pro X)

            *Change Scale and Rootnote settings and save Track Stack as a User Channel Strip Setting for each Key/Scale to make the process more efficient*

            *It would also be great to have a Chromatic Scale option in the OctaVox settings…cheeky*



            • #154329
              DbnezrScrooge wrote:

              ***EDIT*** – I rushed through this post and made a minor mistake on the routing, see below.

              I”m a bit late to this thread, but I have the solution.
              This is my Logic Pro X setup allowing me to live harmonize with MIDI input like the “Prismizer/Messina”

              You want 4 channels:

              1. Dry Vocal (DV)
              2. Hardtuned Vocal (HV) 
              3. Hardtuned Rootnote Vocal (RV)
              4. OctaVox (OV)

              Here’s the setup:

              1. DV – Create Audio Track

              • Prefader Send to Bus # > creates 2. HV
              • ***EDIT*** – Wrong track routing

              2. HV – Use pitch correction plugin to hardtune this incoming vocal to the scale of the song you will sing.

              • Prefader Send to Bus #+1 > creates 3. RV.     ***EDIT*** – I find this routing creates a cleaner harmony than just a send from DV (especially if you use an insert of Octavox on the main Track Stack to add delays/reverb kind of sounds to the whole vocal harmony chain).

              3. RV – Use pitch correction plugin to hardtune incoming vocal to the rootnote of the scale (Single tone only)

              4. OV – Create Software Instrument track and choose MIDI Controlled OctaVox instrument.

              • Sidechain in OctaVox from RV channel
              • Copy settings from the attached OctaVox MIDI Setup picture

              You should now have a live MIDI Harmonizer setup (in Logic Pro X)

              ***EDIT*** – I would also like to clarify this note as saving a Track Stack in Logic does not save the subtracks and routing settings:
              *Change Scale and Rootnote settings for pitch correction plugin and Octavox for each Key/Scale and save as Channel Strip Setting per channel to make the process more efficient when setting up to compose or use live*

              *It would also be great to have a Chromatic Scale option in the OctaVox settings…cheeky*



            • #156491
                DbnezrScrooge wrote:
                DbnezrScrooge wrote:

                ***EDIT*** – I rushed through this post and made a minor mistake on the routing, see below.

                I”m a bit late to this thread, but I have the solution.
                This is my Logic Pro X setup allowing me to live harmonize with MIDI input like the “Prismizer/Messina”

                You want 4 channels:

                1. Dry Vocal (DV)
                2. Hardtuned Vocal (HV) 
                3. Hardtuned Rootnote Vocal (RV)
                4. OctaVox (OV)

                Here’s the setup:

                1. DV – Create Audio Track

                • Prefader Send to Bus # > creates 2. HV
                • ***EDIT*** – Wrong track routing

                2. HV – Use pitch correction plugin to hardtune this incoming vocal to the scale of the song you will sing.

                • Prefader Send to Bus #+1 > creates 3. RV.     ***EDIT*** – I find this routing creates a cleaner harmony than just a send from DV (especially if you use an insert of Octavox on the main Track Stack to add delays/reverb kind of sounds to the whole vocal harmony chain).

                3. RV – Use pitch correction plugin to hardtune incoming vocal to the rootnote of the scale (Single tone only)

                4. OV – Create Software Instrument track and choose MIDI Controlled OctaVox instrument.

                • Sidechain in OctaVox from RV channel
                • Copy settings from the attached OctaVox MIDI Setup picture

                You should now have a live MIDI Harmonizer setup (in Logic Pro X)

                ***EDIT*** – I would also like to clarify this note as saving a Track Stack in Logic does not save the subtracks and routing settings:
                *Change Scale and Rootnote settings for pitch correction plugin and Octavox for each Key/Scale and save as Channel Strip Setting per channel to make the process more efficient when setting up to compose or use live*

                *It would also be great to have a Chromatic Scale option in the OctaVox settings…cheeky*




                um wow this works incredible! thank you!

              • #168091

                  Hi! I would love to have that above mentioned “Octavox MIDI setup picture” ! It sadly isn’t showing up on my side, and there seems to be no way for me to download it. I’m really struggling with getting the OctaVox to work with me here. I know it’s likely due to the lack of a chromatic scale option, but someone seems to have had success with the OctaVox setting you gave from what I can tell in an above reply! I know I’m late to the party and this is an almost 3 year old thread, but I’m desperate so I thought i’d give this reply a shot! thanks!


              • #161040

                  Dear Ableton Users,
                  I had an issue of which the solution may be helpful.
                  In Ableton if there are any devices on a MIDI track, the MIDI SEND dropdown box changes to an AUDIO SEND dropdown box for that track, since my default MIDI track has some utility devices I was unable to see or use MIDI sends, remove devices to have access to MIDI sends.

                • #168092


                    If that OctaVox MIDI settings picture is still floating around, please shoot it over to me in an email (iamcharlmusic@gmail.com) or instagram (@chxrlmusic). It’s not showing up on my side. I know this is an almost 3 year old thread, but I’ve been trying for years to add to my chain for the messina. Harmony Engine is great and all, but the OctaVox just has the quality to it, that I think is worth figuring out, since the midi is giving me so much trouble. Thanks!

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