Orville RAM

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    • #106700

      hello, left my Orville unattended for a while and when I flipped it back on I got an error message telling me to check info in the setup menu. Here i learned that internal RAM showed bad checksum. What must I do?

    • #119630
      Eventide Staff

        Go to setup/service and do a "fix internal".

        If the message comes back when you next restart the unit, it will be a sign that the internal battery needs replacing. This battery lasts 5-10 years, so may be coming due. See other threads on this forum form advice on changing batteries.

      • #119631

        OK I'll do that, I changed the battery before but the machien was unused for a while. Where do I get a battery?

      • #130736
        Eventide Staff

          They should be available from electronics sources – you need a BR-2330 or CR-2330 button cell.

          Backup all user presets first. Be sure to dispose of the old one according to the rules of your community.

        • #119633

          do you know if the upgrade program from Orville to H8000 FW is till happening?

        • #130738

          Yes, Antony.

          The upgrade is still available.

          The web site has complete info on it.



        • #130739

          hey Italo, glad you  are still here, I was looking for it on the web site and did not see it, where is it, will look again….



        • #130740
        • #130741

          saw the upgrade, if I were in the US it would make sense, with both way shipping and possible taxes I am not sure

          The web site says a technician must do the battery swap. I believe I remember doing this myself. I can always back up the memory to the RAM card or thru VSIG and restore it. Are there other issues to be aware of?



        • #130742


          I have to disagree. Based on experience, the cost of upgrading an Orville + shipping gives you a brand new H8000Fw for half the price of it. Taxes can and should be avoided as the customer is not buying a new unit, but simply upgrading it. This is the same as shipping for repairs. You should contact an inter national carrier in your country and ask for advice about this. Temporary export for repairs/upgrades is a real possibility.

          No other issues to consider, other than *safety* and user presets backup.



        • #130743

          OK I will look into it more carefully. I need to see which serial  number I have , $2000 versus $3000 makes a big difference.

          Can I swap the battery myself or do I need a tech?



        • #130744

          Yes, you can change the battery…with all the *caveats* discussed so far.


        • #130745

          meaning I should back up the memory right

        • #130746

          Yes, as stated in the previous posts.

          Obviously you will have your unit powered down AND the power cable disconnected from the mains.


        • #155718

          Hi There

          I have a problem with an Orville. Right after booting it shows ‘I sense there is new RAM should I formate it?’ followed by <yes> or <no> but pressing any key leads to the message ‘Only Remote possible’. What is happen here? Can I reinitialize to factory settings?

          Btw. this Orville unit was 4 years unused in a store. Maybe the battery is faulty.

        • #155719
          Eventide Staff

            Any Orville will be very old by now.

            Certainly could be the battery.

            But, first try re-initializing everything ( 8 key at startup – see UM).


          • #155851
            Eventide Staff

              Did you try a new battery ? If not, please do.


            • #155773
              nickrose wrote:

              Any Orville will be very old by now.

              Certainly could be the battery.

              But, first try re-initializing everything ( 8 key at startup – see UM).



              Dit that ‘power on +8’ routine 4 times. Nothing! All I get is the same message “I sense a new RAM …..formating  yes or no?” then “Remote operation only”

              What are my chances to bring that unit back?


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