OS V3.003 questions

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    • #105434

      Hi Italo!

      Thanks again for the fast reply and the other guys advice too, I'll check it all out. I have the DSP7000 running OS V3.002. I see there is a V3.003 available now. What's actually different about the new one? On the 7000 series support page it has a download for User Presets, are these anything to do with the new operating system? If not, how do you access them?
      My computer would'nt recocognise or acknowlege the file type. Has the 3.0 preset list got any new presets on it? On my last post you mentioned preset #5450 CC Shifter 4v. I do'nt think I have that one on my list unless that one is on the H7600 possibly. I'm going to try and load the new OS and see what happens, seeya..

    • #117118

       Hi Tim

      I'm not aware of OS 3.003. The last version is 3.002. Maybe there's a mistake in the naming of the file? I'll check that.

      The User Presets come from our previous forum, Eventide Helps, and can be loaded with any OS. You need Vsigfilr to load them.

       Sorry, CC Shifter 4v is available in the H-series only.


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