Parallel FX Set Up: kill dry = yes but dry signal present

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    • #114837


      I’m trying to set up a parallel FX loop and want to completely kill the dry signal through my stompbox.

      Currently, I also get a dry signal with the FX and the dry signal is still there when muting. I’m really sure that I’ve done everything I’m supposed to do from reading the manuals and the forums, but I get the same result whether using the TIMEFACTOR or the SPACE, so my conclusion is that I’m doing something wrong that I’m unaware of. Can you help?

      My set up is as follows on both the TIMEFACTOR & SPACE:

      Killdry Audio YES

      Global Mix YES

      Bypass mode: Relay — I’ve tried DSP and DSP+FX and get the same result, although Relay gives me a louder signal (if that’s diagnostic)

      Bypass enabled YES

      Routing NORMAL


      Many Thanks




    • #149719
      Eventide Staff

        Sorry – not sure what you mean by:

        Killdry Audio

        Bypass enabled

        There are no parameters with these exact names, so there may be some confusion in the air.


      • #149723

        Ah. Sorry.

        in the [BYPASS] menu I have set then encoder to read [KILLDRY] and selected [YES]

        I was just reading it from the H9 App menu.

      • #149725

        In the H9 App when I select the pedal from settings there is an option to select YES/NO to enable the bypass settings to reflect the method selected under Bypass Mode.

      • #149727
        Eventide Staff

          To remove these uncertainties, please set KILLDRY to ON using the H9 controls as described in the UM. Keep it disconnected from the App at this time.



        • #149731
          Eventide Staff
            oggietel wrote:

            I'm trying to set up a parallel FX loop and want to completely kill the dry signal through my stompbox.

            I believe you should use a Serial FX loop if you want to completely kill the dry signal.

            • #149732
              bohan wrote:

              oggietel wrote:

              I’m trying to set up a parallel FX loop and want to completely kill the dry signal through my stompbox.

              I believe you should use a Serial FX loop if you want to completely kill the dry signal.


              Hi & Thanks Bohan


              Ah? Am I missing something? Is there a Serial FX loop setting on the Eventide guitar pedals?

              Otherwise I’m slightly confused.

              I have my clean signal and I want to blend that with my FX pedals using an Xotic stereo blender. Consequently, I want only 100% wet from the FX (0% dry) so as to avoid phasing issues and increased volume (which happens if 2 of the same clean signals are combined in phase, which I currently have). Surely that’s a parallel FX set up???  

            • #149733
              Eventide Staff
                oggietel wrote:

                I have my clean signal and I want to blend that with my FX pedals using a Xotic stereo blender. Consequently, I want only 100% wet from the FX (0% dry) so as to avoid phasing issues and increased volume (which happens if 2 of the same clean signals are combined in phase, which I currently have). Surely that's a parallel FX set up???  

                OK. I thought you were trying to use it with an amp. Yeah, that's a parallel setup.

                Here is the thing:

                Killdry will only kill the dry signal in the DSP processor. So if your Bypass Mode is set to Relay, you will hear the dry signal when your pedal is bypassed because the input is connected to the output directly. If you set the Bypass Mode to DSP or DSP + FX, you won't hear the dry signal when your pedal is bypassed (aka. bypass enabled).

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