Parametric EQ + low pass and high pass filters algo all in one?

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    • #161301

      I am trying to emulate the great EQ plugin from Logic whereby you can specify whether each of the 5 components is either a low pass, high pass (and specify slope) shelf or conventional Q-based EQ around a certain frequency. I cannot find any algo that combines pass filters and EQ in one algo, in fact I can’t even find an algo that allows low pass and high pass jointly that works (just posted about 4 filter algo not working). Is there any algo I may have missed?

    • #161337
      Eventide Staff

      I’ve been looking into some EQ algorithms that you may like as a substitute for 1416 Four Filters, please see below:

      Low Cut / High Cut Algorithms:

      1240 DP_St.EQ45

      1140 St.Compr > EQ45 (same alg as above + compressor)

      1241 DP_St.EQ65

      1141 St  Compr > EQ65 (same alg as above + compressor)

      7851 Sfx Filter/Compress (needs some tweaking from default preset but can work well as a simple low cut / high cut / compressor)


      Low Pass / High Pass Algorithms:

      1218 Stage Parametric (dual 4 band EQ, selectable band pass / low pass / high pass for bands 1 and 4)

      3222 Compr>3Band 8ch (this is 8 mono instances of compressor + EQ)

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