Performance switch midi programming

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    • #111800

      I use Liquid Foot 12+ midi controller to control H9.

      If i want LF12+ to control Performance switch – should i set it to Momentary or Toggle switch?

      I tried toggle switch to control Performance and it seems it turns Performance ON , but it does not turn it OFF on second press. I set performance to be CC#18. and values are 127 for ON and 0 for Off.

    • #126358

      User error: wrong midi channel on off message.

      But my question still remains:

      momentary or toggle switch?

    • #126364

        I am having this same issue. FLEX appears when triggering Performance Switch via cc #n, but it remains engaged. I could send it a note on/off message, but I'm afraid I don't know the cc to note on/off values. I did find this, though. The conversions listed here did not translate (that is, I used C4 or cc 49 to attempt to send Performance Switch a message. No response).

        C0,1: C#0,2: D0,3: Eb0,4: E0,5: F0,6: F#0,7: G0,8: G#0,9: A0,10: Bb0,11: B0,12: C1,13: C#1,14: D1,15: Eb1,16: E1,17: F1,18: F#1,19: G1,20: G#1,21: A1,22: Bb1,23: B1,24: C2,25: C#2,26: D2,27: Eb2,28: E2,29: F2,30: F#2,31: G2,32: G#2,33: A2,34: Bb2,35: B2,36: C3,37: C#3,38: D3,39: Eb3,40: E3,41: F3,42: F#3,43: G3,44: G#3,45: A3,46: Bb3,47: B3,48: C4,49: C#4,50: D4,51: Eb4,52: E4,53: F4,54: F#4,55: G4,56: G#4,57: A4,58: Bb4,59: B4,60: C5,61: C#5,62: D5,63: Eb5,64: E5,65: F5,66: F#5,67: G5,68: G#5,69: A5,70: Bb5,71: B5,72: C6,73: C#6,74: D6,75: Eb6,76: E6,77: F6,78: F#6,79: G6,80: G#6,81: A6,82: Bb6,83: B6,84: C7,85: C#7,86: D7,87: Eb7,88: E7,89: F7,90: F#7,91: G7,92: G#7,93: A7,94: Bb7,95: B7,96: C8,97: C#8,98: D8,99: Eb8,100: E8,101: F8,102: F#8,103: G8,104: G#8,105: A8,106: Bb8,107: B8,108: C9,109: C#9,110: D9,111: Eb9,112: E9,113: F9,114: F#9,115: G9,116: G#9,117: A9,118: Bb9,119: B9,120: C10,121: C#10,122: D10,123: Eb10,124: E10,125: F10,126: F#10,127: G10

      • #137043

        On H9 ipad app  you can choose what CC to assign to each midi function .

        go to

        Pedal>Midi settings>assign midi CC…

      • #137046

          I just made a comment above controlling the performance swithc with MIDI CCs on another thread:

          But to repeat myself, basically after looking into the performance switch some more, the behavior seems to be inconsistent when its triggered by MIDI CC.  With PitchFactor algorithms it seems to expect the MIDI CC value to be above 64 to turn it on and below 64 to turn it off, but with TimeFactor algorithms for instance it expects the MIDI CC value to be above 64 to turn it on AND off.  We're going to have to look into this some more…

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