PF-Tuner doesn’t come on, plus other issues

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    • #106689

        So, I don't know what I did, but I was changing some settings and somehow or for some reason, when I hold down the middle and right buttons, the tuner no longer comes on. As well, spill doesn't seem to work. The effect, Crystals in particular, cuts out as soon as I switch to bypass or to another patch.

        In addition, I was told that the M Audio EX-P works with the PF. It doesn't even seem to register. Anyone had any luck with this?


      • #119600

          I forgot to add, that yes, I have the settings correctly set to allow for spill. I don't have expression pedal lock on. I have tried it with both the other and the M-audio setting on the bottom of the pedal and by powering it up with the plug in and out. And yes, I have adjusted the knob both ways. I am using the latest software version

        • #119607
          Eventide Staff

            PF does not really have a SPILL concept in the way of TF. If you switch between presets using the same effect the decay tail will be preserved, but otherwise it will cut off. Preserving the tail when going in and out of BYPASS is controlled by the BYPASS mode setting, which should be set to DSP+FX.

            The TUNER is only accessible in PLAY mode. Beyond this restriction, it should always be there. It is possible that a failed update may deprive you of tuner capability, so if you have recently upgraded the unit you may want to try again.

            A faint possibility is that you may have deliberately or accidentally set the unit up for remote control (AUX or MIDI) of TUNER entry/exit and the unit is getting confused. You could try a CLEAR SETUP (press right switch and encoder at powerup). This will return the unit to factory settings but will not erase your presets. Backup of presets is recommended in case of accidents !!

          • #119608

              I will set the bypass mode accordingly, though I think that's how I had it set.

              The tuner issue happened pre-update. I have tried to set up the PF with aux switches, but it didn't work. I thought I had reset it to stop looking for footswitch input. I have already done a clear setup. Perhaps I should restore everything to factory presets and start from scratch.

              Thanks so much!

            • #130716
              Eventide Staff

                If you've done the CLEAR SETUP, that should fix most things. Only do the full restore if you get totally frustrated.

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