Hi, I received my Pitch Factor today and followed all the instructions to update…I registered my product installed the update utility and when I press update, I get versions: 2.2.1[1] and 2.3.0[2]
Then: I choose to download the update 2.3.0[2] I'm asked to enter my user name and password and I get the following message: "can only use letters or numbers in user name and password" please try again or contact…" my user name is Run Duke and my password uses only letters and no spaces. So I write RunDuke (no space) and I receive the message: "Dowloading version 2.3…." but the download doesn't work and I get: "Failed downloading update http://update.eventide.com/update/bam/209142_PF2.30(2).bam please check your user name and password please try again……contact support..
Thanks for helping.
Using Win 7 on a well working computer.