pitchfactor and midi RCV CC for expression pedal problem

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    • #106145

        I assigned the Ped CC to CC11 (arbitrary), and then set the Exp Pedal connected to my Rocktron All Access to transmit CC11. Expression pedal settings for every preset work fine, except for the pitch flex.

         When I move the exp pedal the display says PED, just like if an expression pedal was connected to the Pitchfactor itself, but the sound doesn't change. I can assign knob #2 to the expression pedal, and that works, but then with range assigments, I don't get the flexibility that I desire. 

         Thanks for any help. 

      • #118446
        Eventide Staff

           You are right – the MIDI in for the pedal just controls the knob mappings, not when it is used as the modulation source.

          This is an oversight that will be fixed in the next version.

        • #118447

            Thanks for the reply. Anxiously awaiting the next version.

          • #129595

               and to be honest, being able to reproduce digitech whammy pedal effects via midi was a major reason I was interested in the pedal, I'm sure I'm not the only one who is interested in replacing their Whammy IV with a Pitchfactor… 

            • #129596
              Eventide Staff

                 Point taken. It's officially on the list. Apologies.

              • #129597

                   Thanks Nick, much appreciated. 

                • #129677

                  AHHHHH damn I thought it was just me not doing something correctly
                  this the main reason I got my P-factor too!

                  any idea when the update will come?

                • #129686
                  Eventide Staff

                    This will be fixed in the next release, but I can't give a date yet. Everyone's working on adding new scales ….

                    But, there is a workaround. O happy day !

                    Plug an unused jack into the pedal socket, and the remote pedal will then work with PitchFlex.

                  • #132762

                      does the rocktron hex expression pedal work with the eventide pedals?

                    • #132820

                      No. It does not!

                      I own this Hex and it is really useless not just for the eventide pedals. The potentiometer value, 250kohms is way too high. My pitchfactor expression input will only accept a small, small fraction of the pot's resistance. Meaning, a very slight movement of the pedal and I've gone through the entire range of the PF's parameter range. Need an expression pedal that's less than 25kohms.

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