Pitchfactor Detune

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    • #106985


      I I wanted to check if my Pitchfactor can detune like the Morpheus pedal. In the other post (drop tune) is a description how it should work. But no matter what I do I always have the not detuned signal too, although Mix is on wet. I tried presets 22:2 and get not only oct-1 but the normal note too, the same with 24:1 I get -4th + normal. I think this is not intended this way!?

      Just updated the software to 2.2.1 (1)  still the same.

      Signal chain: Guitar – PF Input 1 (set to guitar) – PF output 1 (set to amp) – amp

      any informations on this?

      thank you!!!

    • #120217

      This other thread on the forum should help: http://forum.eventide.com/cs/forums/t/6075.aspx

    • #120218

      Hi axemanOKR,

      thank you for your answer! this is the thread I mentioned (drop tune). If I adjust the PF this way it detunes, but also sounds the original signal although wet is complete on the right side. and this sounds strange 😉

      Perhaps someone can test his PF this way…?

    • #131431


      I created the original post and the settings that were giving to me worked.   Check that pitch mix knob is 100% A – 0% B and mix 100% wet along with the other settings that were giving.


      Good luck,


    • #131440


      thank you, but I have checked this several times and still hear the additional standard pitch.  🙁

      Have you perhaps checked presets 22:2 and 24:1? Do you hear only the changed pitch or the standard pitch too?

      I have the PF like an effects pedal in front of the amp (no effects loop).

      thank you!

    • #131459

      Hi Guenti

      I have no problem with drop tuning a 1/2 step with presets 22:1 and 24:1. or any pitchflex preset.   I use the PF in front of two amps in stereo.  The only way I can hear the standard pitch is if a turn the amps voulme down really low, I can then hear the guitar's standard pitch acoustically.

      Do you have both the heel (pitch A knob) and toe (X knob) for pitch A set to -m2?


    • #131460

      Hi Rabiddiabetic13,

      thank you very very much for helping!!! You are completely right!!! As I checked the PF functions at home, I did not play very loud and the regular pitch I was hearing, came from the guitar acoustically and not from the PF. Now I look like a complete idiot  ;-))) but on the other hand I am glad that my PF has not to be repaired  😉

      I now use the bass preset (Octave down) for jam/loop tracks, it sounds very good and I don't have to get a bass (player 😉

      So, thanks again for checking things and sending your posts!!!

      take care


    • #131464

      Glad I could help.

      Take Care,


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