Pitchfactor Droptune

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    • #174342

        Good morning,

        I would like to use my Pitchfactor to lower the tuning of my guitar by 1/2 or 1 tone. I know I have to use the Pitchflex but don’t remember the settings. Important: I don’t want a second note superimposed on the first.

        Is there anyone who would be kind enough to tell me how to adjust my Pitchfactor?

      • #174343

          Actually, it doesn’t absolutely have to be PitchFlex.  You can use quite a few of the PitchFactor algorithms for this. See which one sounds best to you.  Generally, they will follow similar settings.  These listed below assume that you don’t want to “flex” pitches.


          • Mix – fully clockwise to Wet
          • Pitch Mix – centered
          • Pitch A & Pitch B – -m2 or -M2
          • Delay A, Delay B, Depth/Key, Speed/Scale, Xnob, Ynob – fully counter-clockwise


        • #174380

            Great. Thanks, it works fine.

            On the other hand, there seems to me to be a slight flanger effect. Is this normal?

          • #174384

              My opinion, PitchFlex would not be my go-to algorithm for drop tuning.  The PitchFactor uses older technology, so you’re going to get some level of processing delay, no matter what algorithm you choose.

              I would try using H910 / H949 for this, with similar settings.  But in this case, Depth / Key fully clockwise to Modern, and Speed / Scale to either Normal (CCW) or Chromatic (CW).

              You may prefer HarModulator, also with similar settings to my first reply.  The difference here would be to remove the modulation (Depth / Key centered at 12:00).

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