Pitchfactor Expression Pedal Problem

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    • #107279

      So I'm using an Ernie ball 25k pedal with my pitchfactor and every so often when playing I can only get to 97% or so instead of 100% with the heel up.  The only way to get it to read 100% again is to replug the cable in.  Then after a few min it will do the same thing again.  Everything is new including the monster cable which is overkill for an expression pedal.

    • #120774
      Eventide Staff

        I'm afraid that this is to some extent a feature of both pedals. The PF pedal input "auto-calibrates" by assuming that the highest pedal value it sees is 100% and the lowest is 0%. Sounds reasonable, eh ?

        But, if you hit your pedal particularly hard, it can go above the usual "highest" value and establish a new 100% setting at the new point. What you see happens if you hit it hard once, and then not so hard thereafter – you'll have trouble getting to the new high value again, so will tend to see something a bit less than 100%.

        When you replug the pedal, it resets the calibration and starts again, so your normal high point is 100%.

        Some pedals can be adjusted so they hit a hard mechanical end stop before the full value is reached, meaning that you can't go above this position.

      • #120775

        So how do I fix this.  When I use the expression pedal for pitchflex and it "recalibrates" it sounds aweful… to the extent it is embarrasing live…..  Sad  This is with the pedal you guys recommended as well… 

        There should really be a manual calibration so I can set the travel

      • #131977
        Eventide Staff

          There is no obvious soluion, I'm afraid. Try talking to EB and see if there are any adjustments or anything else you can do. An alternative would be to try other pedals. Most people like the EB.

          We tried manual cal early on and everyone said it was too difficult. I'll add a suggestion for a "calibration freeze" option – this would do it.

        • #131980

          Calibration seems simple to me…  prompt for heel down… hit a button.  Prompt for toe down…. hit a button.  This way you can put a very slight dead band at each end, if you like.

          I did take the whole pedal apart… what an adventure that was!  If I had to assemble those things all day in an EB factury I would shoot myself.  Most difficult thing ever to put back together.

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