Pitchfactor latency issue

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    • #106364

      I'm noticing an issue with the Pitchfactor where the harmonies will not keep up when doing fast runs. In addition, there will be bends from one harmony to the next, causing the harmony to not be able to keep up. Will this be fixed in a future patch, or is this a quirk of the Pitchfactor that sets it apart from other harmonizers?

    • #118891
      Eventide Staff

        Hi Buttcheex8,

        You should try setting the PF source to "Synth Lead."  You can do this by entering the system mode, then going into the Utilities menu.  In Utilities select Source, then scroll over until you see "Synth Lead."  Once it's set, you can exit system mode. 

        Telling the PF to assume this type of soure will make it track faster at the expense of some polyphonic ability and low note recognition.  We made sure to include different pitchshifing source modes to cover the wide range of uses we could forsee. 

        Here is a link to a thread where I discussed this with a user back in April, and it may have some information that you could use as well.  Let me know if any of this helps.


      • #119009


        I finally tried the  changes you suggested in the thread about synth mode and adding imperceptible delay. The speed of the tracking improved but there is still slight glitching and portamento which the person in the thread described. Are there any other suggestions as to how to improve the tracking of speedy passages? Thanks

      • #130107

        The Pitchfactor version is 2.2.0[5]. Would an update to 2.3.0[2] improve the quality of tracking during fast runs?

      • #130120
        Eventide Staff

          2.3.0[2] addresses a few bugs, and adds some new scales to Diatonic and Quadvox, but should not affect the tracking.  You can check out the release notes on the Support page for Pitchfactor for the details of this release. 

          On the whole, however, Harmodulator and Pitchflex may track better for faster runs than Diatonic or Quadvox, especially with the aforementioned tips. 

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