PitchFactor – select presets functionality

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    • #111148


        I just picked up a PitchFactor to complement my Space (the old knobs form factor is more appealing to me than the H9 UI)..  I like how easy it is to select presets on the Space so was disappointed to see the Bank/2-presets-at-a-time operation on the PF.  I thought I read here ages ago (when I got the Space) that the newer navigation of the Space was being implemented in the other "Factor" pedals??  Is this not the case?  I suppose development of the older pedals is taking a backseat to the new H9?

      • #124909

          Sorry to hear that you were bummed out about PitchFactor's bank mode layout.  We are still working on improvements for the Factor pedals;  we're going to bring out a beta release of the PitchFactor OS soon that allows you to use H9 Control as a preset librarian for it.  I can't promise anything with respect to changing the navigation model of PitchFactor, but I will bring it up for discussion next time we all sit down for a planning session.

        • #124911

            Bummed out is a little strong 🙂

            The pedal is amazing and I love everything else about it.  I use it on a desktop (with a modular synth, I'm not a guitar player) so the Space UI is more suitable for me.  H9 Control for Pitchfactor … sounds awesome!

          • #124930

              it would be a great improvement if the encoder worked like the space in bank mode and only scrolled through the algorithms in play mode. though I have to say that the bank mode works really well in live performances… just my thoughtsGeeked

            • #125556

                "we're going to bring out a beta release of the PitchFactor OS soon that allows you to use H9 Control as a preset librarian for it."

                Any progress on this?

              • #136286

                  We're working on it every day.  It'll be out soon.  We're winnowing down the bug list and putting some finishing touches on things.

                • #136287

                    Excellent thanks!  Will this also work with Time Factor and Space?

                  • #136289

                      Yes, it's going to work with all of the Factor pedal, but Space, PitchFactor and ModFactor are going to be first and support for TimeFactor is going to follow roughly a month later.  The reason for this is that we're updating the Looper algorithm, which has been pretty time consuming.

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