Portamento/glide effect possible with Pitchfactor?

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    • #109500

        Hi everyone

        Was wondering if the Pitchfactor is capable (perhaps with a future firmware update) of doing a portamento/glide effect that simply tracks the incoming audio (monophonic) and glides between notes just like a synthesizer (but not with a synth sound, it would be applied to the guitar's tone).

        I was thinking, given the glitches that sometimes occur in Pitchflex, that something like this could be achieved.

      • #124207

          Interesting idea.  I think that would be a cool, "SuperEgo" kind of addition to the feature set.  I don't know what it would take to "slew" the pitch detection, implement a glide time control, or what algorithm would be the best fit.   Perhaps you're right:  PitchFlex has many of the requirements already.  It'd almost be like triggering the FLEX switch with each incoming note.

          I've toyed around with the H910/949 algo and gotten some glide effects.  It's not too predictable, and – of course – I couldn't quite reproduce it when I sat down to come up with a "recipe".

          The other way that I've managed was with the Harmodulator and envelopes.  As long as you keep the sensitivity high, and the input signal constant (highly compressed, or active playing), there's no glide.  Clamp down on the strings for a moment, and the glide will trigger.


          Mix = WET:100

          Pitch Mix = A10+B10

          Pitch A = A:-1oct

          Pitch B = B:-1oct

          Delay A = 0 ms.

          Delay B = 0 ms.

          (encoder) = HMODLTR / TMP OFF

          Depth / Key = DP: +1oct

          Speed / Scale = SENS:10

          Xnob = ENVELPE

          Ynob = FBK:  0

          If you want to glide downward instead, you can only use one pitch shifter.  That's because of the shifting implementation in the Depth / Key control.  You can't get the PitchFactor to alternate up and down pitch glides without an external control, but you can get both pitch shifters gliding in opposite directions simultaneously [ see comments below the preset ].


          Mix = WET:100

          Pitch Mix = A10+B0

          Pitch A = A:+1oct

          Pitch B = B:-1oct

          Delay A = 0 ms.

          Delay B = 0 ms.

          (encoder) = HMODLTR / TMP OFF

          Depth / Key = DP: -1oct

          Speed / Scale = SENS:10

          Xnob = ENVELPE

          Ynob = FBK:  0


          If you want to hear how gliding up & down sound together, take the GlideDown preset above, and change the Pitch Mix = A10+B10.  Use an Aux switch or expression pedal on Pitch Mix to change between up & downward glides.  There's not a lot of control over the rate of the glides here, but you can control the starting & ending pitches.  I stuck with the safest intervals [octaves], and 100% Wet to highlight the glide effects.

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