Possible update suggestion.

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Possible update suggestion.

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    • #108829


      You may be able to do this already but here we go. It would be good to set the global tempo up on the modfactor and then be able to disengage it on certain pre-sets. Example global tempo is set to whatever (120bpm). You click to a certain pre-set that you want set at 150bpm ehich it does even though the global is still at 120. With other units I have used in the past – if you turn the speed of the modulation all the way up GLOBAL is displayed – that pre-set is then set to global?



    • #123537

        Global Tempo applies to all presets. But it only applies to presets saved with Tempo set to ON.

        If you want Global Tempo but still have presets which ignore the global tempo value, save those presets with Tempo OFF.

      • #123538


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