Power supply

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    • #107750

      Maybe I missed it… when is the new power supply supposed to be released that will power the factor pedals?

    • #121812
      Eventide Staff

        Alas – still waiting. Been a few holdups – looks like later in April at this point.

      • #121825

        Is the new PowerFactor a derivative of the Cioks DC10?  (which also powers 3 Eventide pedals and 4 100ma pedals?)

        with my new Space pedal I now have 4 Eventide pedals on my board…  since the PowerFactor isn't completed, is it possible it will be able to power 4 Eventide pedals?

      • #121827
        Eventide Staff

          It is indeed.

          The PowerFactor is pretty much done, so can't really change it at this point in the process.

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