Power Supply issue

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    • #164992

        The power supply that came with the H9 Max must’ve developed a short in the cable–how do I go about getting a replacement?  And I’d like to possibly power it with the power supply for the other pedals on my board, but I can’t find a suitable cable.  I know the H9 Max power in uses a center positive cable, but the adapter I have won’t fit the power jack.  Anyone know a cable/adapter that will work?

      • #164993
        Eventide Staff

          Hi vvarvel,

          You may purchase a replacement power supply for your H9 here: https://store.eventideaudio.com/collections/accessories/products/replacement-pedal-power-supply

          If you can tell me what model of pedalboard power supply you currently have, I can indicate the appropriate cable to buy so that you can connect to your H9.

        • #164994

            Hi joecozzi–thanks so much for the quick response.  The power supply is a Mooer Micro Power.


          • #164996
            Eventide Staff

              I do not recommend this power supply for the H9, as each outlet only provides 300ma of current per output. The H9 requires a minimum of 9v 500ma. You would have to combine the power of two outlets on you Micro Power and Mooer does not manufacture the cable. You would have to try a cable that combines the current of two outlets like the green adapter here: http://www.voodoolab.com/shop/index.php?cPath=22_24_33&osCsid=ptrom76a5jmurukb6ldhpke4s2

              Then, you would need a reverse polarity cable that goes from center negative 2.1 mm to center positive 2.5 mm like this cable: http://www.voodoolab.com/shop/index.php?cPath=22_24_30&osCsid=p1hmh9e590bfue563pfti33bi5

            • #165006

                Ok, great—thanks for the info!

              • #165020

                  So as it turns out, the problem is the unit itself.  I tried my adapter with a different H9 and it powers up just fine, and his adapter won’t power mine up.  Anything I can look at myself, or do I just return it?

                • #165021
                  Eventide Staff

                    I would contact support@eventide.com to have them troubleshoot the issue. Please provide them with the serial number of the unit and a description of the problem. How long ago did you purchase this unit? If it’s less than a year ago and they determine it’s faulty hardware, Eventide will cover the repair. If not, there will be repair costs. If this was a recent purchase and you’re within your return period, it would be good to have the dealer test this for you and provide an exchange.

                  • #165022

                      Ok–I’ll send them a note.  I bought it 2 months ago, so I’ll contact the dealer as well as send a note to support….

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