Powering timefactor

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    • #107370

      Is there any way to power the Time factor without the plug….i have a Furman spb-8 pedal board that powers my standard 9v pedals? is there any kind of attachment?


    • #120963
      Eventide Staff

        Not sure what you mean by "the plug." My best guess is that you are referring to the attractive and compact wall-wart that ships with the unit.

        If this is the case, I must give you the official view that we don't recommend operating the unit with other power supplies (with a couple of exceptions). Please see other threads on this forum where our users discuss this subject at great length.

      • #120965

        Whats the exceptions? thank for the reply

      • #120977

          You can always email Furman and see if it's even possible to power an Eventide box out of those 9 v plugs, maybe by using some special power doubling Y cable. Timefactor is pretty demanding powerwise, people complain of units failing to start up or that the delay doesn't sound as good when underpowered. Voodoo Lab Pedal Power 2 can handle 1 eventide box using a Y cable. That seems to be the official answer around. T-Rex has a power supply that works too.

          The adapter works perfectly. Use that. Cool

        • #120992

            Eventide now offers a compact, quality regulated linear power supply which is
            capable of powering up to 3 Eventide stompboxes plus up to 4 additional
            9VDC/100mA pedals. It carries a 5 year warranty from the
            manufacturer (Cioks.com) and with the additional cables required to
            power 3 Eventide stompboxes and the special mounting plate for
            PedalTrain pedalboards.

            Check it out here:


          • #120997

            Great news! I've been planning on getting one of these, and now that they are available from a US company I think I'm about to grab one up!

          • #121000

            This is a great news.

            Thanks very much.

          • #121005


              My best guess is that you are referring to the attractive and compact wall-wart that ships with the unit.

              LOL Big Smile

            • #121006

                YAY!!! great news!!

              • #121008

                I just want to chime in and let you know that I have a CIOKS DC-10 powering two factor pedals and a Musicom Lab EFX MkII switcher along with other pedals.  It's a very nice, well built supply.  It has a lower profile than my PP2+ and is a bit heavier. I paid $200 us for it, there are currently very few dealers but that will change soon to add a little competition.  

              • #132179

                  groove guru:

                  there are currently very few dealers………….  

                  There appear to be approximately no dealers in the UK, unless anyone knows differently?

                • #132180

                    We have a small number of them in our store with the two extra cables so that you can run a total of 3 Eventide stompboxes plus 4 100mA/9V pedals.



                  • #132184

                    Just ordered one direct from Eventide! I can't wait to get this Power Supply!  I was unemployed for over a year and had to hold off on buying one, but I started a new job a few weeks ago and this is a celebration present to myself. This looks like the power supply users of multiple factor pedals have been waiting for. Big Smile

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