Pre/Post option and killdry issue

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    • #112866
      David Giacomini


      I noticed that activating killdry with the Pre/Post option enabled affects only the post connection.

      The pre routed effects maintain a serial routing and it’s impossible to implement a line mixer.

      Am I missing something???

      Thank you

    • #140660
      Eventide Staff

      Pre-post with killdry is designed to be used with pre before an amp and post in a parallel effect loop – if killdry operated on the pre signal, it would mute everything. Silence is golden….


      Nothing to stop you using it in other ways, but this is why it works the way it does.



    • #140678
      David Giacomini

      “Silence is golden” unless you have two H9 pedals, one for the serial connections set in relay bypass (with the pre/post routing placed at the beginning and at the end of your analog drive section signal chain) one set for parallel use (pre routing in a line mixer before the amp post routing for the FX loop with DSP bypass ingaged, to avoid digital conversion and preserve effects tails)

      I assume the bypass is common to both the Pre/Post routed signals, with an inevitable digital conversion stage in the pre routing path if the post is in Killdry mode set for parallel use.


      • #140683
        Eventide Staff
        David Giacomini wrote:

        I assume the bypass is common to both the Pre/Post routed signals, with an inevitable digital conversion stage in the pre routing path if the post is in Killdry mode set for parallel use.

        You are correct – the bypass is common to both channels. Obviously, when it was designed, a feature like pre/post was not anticipated, so it does not allow for it.


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