Pre/post routing in stereo?

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    • #113885

        Hi, there’s any way to set a pre/post routing in stereo? It would be awesome to can put h9 before or after a stereo signal effects, I mean putting a pitch shifter or chorus before my delay and reverb devices, or using the outstandings h9 reverbs after my delay pedal, all in stereo…
        Now it’s only possible in a mono way.
        Thanks a lot.

      • #145196
          Jblr wrote:

          there's any way to set a pre/post routing in stereo? It would be awesome to can put h9 before or after a stereo signal effects, I mean putting a pitch shifter or chorus before my delay and reverb devices, or using the outstandings h9 reverbs after my delay pedal, all in stereo…


          I think the only way to do this would be to use an external pedalboard switching system.

        • #145200

            I would like to know what Eventide say about to setting H9 pre or post stereo routing, without any other device or changing position, only using the firmware.

          • #145208

              It’s not possible due to there only being 2 in an outs on the pedal… What more do you want eventide to say. You can do this with a boss es8.

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