preset 9110 Looper imitation

Home Forums Products Vsig and Preset Development preset 9110 Looper imitation

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    • #184284

      Ok I’m back with another question. I’m looking for a method in Vsig to do what preset 9110 Looper does. I can obviously get most of the way there with dlysmp2 but I’d like to be able to pitch the loop up higher than 100% as it is possible to do in the preset. Can someone tell me how this is accomplished in the actual preset so I can use that method? I’m aware that I can record at a lower speed and pitch it up but I’d prefer a way to do it without loss of fidelity. Thank you!

    • #184478

      The 9000 series algorithms are protected, so we can’t peek inside how they did things, and they may use tools outside of the VSIG toolbox.  One thing to try might be to use one of the pitch shifts ahead of the sampling delay (such as diatonicshift, Pitchshift, reverse or stereoshift), say up 1 octave and then have your baseline dlysmp2 at 50%, to get the original pitch back.  This would let you double the pitch, but there would be some dissociation of pitch and speed and likely some loss of fidelity.

      Another option might be the bucket brigade delay, which can impart pitch shift, but you will certainly lose fidelity (by design).  There might be a way to do this in RNBO, but audiobuffer isn’t supported for the H9000 yet, so you’d need to do it in the ram based delays.

    • #184522

      Cool, I’ve considered those options and came to the conclusion that they might sound good in their own way but won’t give me exactly what I’m looking for. I’m trying to keep the fidelity as much as possible and just change the loop speed and length, basically doing some quasi-granular stuff. This video that just popped up in my feed is actually a pretty good example of the kinds of things I’m trying to accomplish. Also if you’re familiar with Squarepusher’s Go Plastic album, there are a lot of these techniques on there, which I think he did using an Orville or DSP4000. It seems like the older sampler module would have been able to get it done with some coaxing. I have a feeling there might still be a way, but it’s a bit more difficult on the H9000.

      It is certainly way easier to mock this up in Gen/RNBO, but I’m trying to stay in Vsig as much as possible since I’ll have better control over the parameter mapping and pages.

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