Preset lists for 2 H9s

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    • #112627

        Hi Again!

        Can’t for the life of me figure out what I am doing wrong here.  I have my ipad connected.  I have 2 H9s running on my board.  1 in the loop and 1 in the front of the amp.  I am able to make one preset list for the H9 in the loop.  I am NOT able to make a preset list for the H9 that is running into the front of the amp.  

        Any way you folks can help me here?  I really need to get this rolling as I have a couple of large gigs coming up. 

        Many thanks!


      • #139369
        LA Keys

          I would suggest that you turn off bluetooth on the one that is in the loop as this one works as expected. Leave bluetooth On for the other one, then run the H9 control software and see if this works. (Just trying to make it easier to spot the problem here as there could be many causes)



        • #139370
          LA Keys

            I see that you just posted about the same problem in this discussion: “Bluetooth issue with 2 H9s simultaneously”

            Based on the whole discussion, it appears to be a problem related with apple recent update. Did you read the whole thing?

            If you’re running under IOS 8.3  this is already mentioned there and sadly I’m not sure Eventide could fix something broken on the iPad side.

            In any case I’m sure it would help if you confirm which iOS you have.



          • #139372

              Thanks for the reply.  I will try this method first.  

              For the bluetooth issue, it works perfectly with my old ipad 1, so I’m just going to use that at this point.  Keeps and old device going with a good purpose!  

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