Preset suggestions for Auto-Wah on H9?

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    • #112230

        Hey folks, been spending a lot of time with my new H9, learning it and trying to figure out what to use my coupon on. I'm wondering, on the ModFilter algorithm, with the Bass Auto Wah settings… I'm not having any luck with this, in terms of getting something responsive that I can actually use. I do have the H9 configured for bass. I have used a lot of envelope filters, so I know how finicky they can be. Anyone have some settings I could try? Thanks.

      • #127318

          I had a auto wha preset that I really liked. I took a bunch of fine tunning. I had to go back different times after using the preset in different situations. Then when I updated my MF, (due to my kack of patience), I lost all my presets. If I remember right I set it up using the q wha algo. 

          When I went to set up a new auto wha, I started with the modfilter but that did not seem to work so I used the q wha algo.

          I would love to see an algorithm for setting up two different filters in series or in parallel. It could be me but, MF's modfillter seems set up to do what it does and not really slow or controled fillter sweeps.

        • #127323

          I was doing the same thing,  5 min goes by way too fast…

          I has some successes with this; allthough I was using a guitar so…

          I’m working from memory so bear with me:

          1st make sure all 2nd LFO are off, D mod & s Mod to off or zero.  This is so you can get a good basis feel for the algorithm.   Lower intensity to about 4, Set Modulation Depth or Vowel Sound to WAHWAH.  Very important, Turn tempo off,. Lower Modulation Speed to 4 for 5 , And set Modulation Waveform Shape to Envelop [ENVLOP] .. 

          Note I have to lower overall output to -5 as the single was real hot when I hit the strings hard.


          That should get you a basic auto wah.  I believe the Modulation Speed will be a sensitive parameter on most auto wha so use that to find the sweet spot on your attack.

          Then you can try different Modulation Depth like bass wah to see what happens.


          Hope that helps.


        • #127324

          I was doing the same thing,  5 min goes by way too fast…

          I has some successes with this; allthough I was using a guitar so…

          I’m working from memory so bear with me:

          1st make sure all 2nd LFO are off, D mod & s Mod to off or zero.  This is so you can get a good basis feel for the algorithm.   Lower intensity to about 4, Set Modulation Depth or Vowel Sound to WAHWAH.  very important, Turn tempo off,. Lower Modulation Speed to 4 for 5 , And set Modulation Waveform Shape to Envelop [ENVLOP] .. 

          Note I have to lower overall output to -5 as the single was real hot when I hit the strings hard.


          That should get you a basic auto wah.  I believe the Modulation Speed will be a sensitive parameter on most auto wha so use that to find the sweet spot on your attack.

          Then you can try different Modulation Depth like bass wah to see what happens.


          Hope that helps.

        • #127347

          I would also be interested in an algorithm that allows two filters to be combined. 

        • #138000

            I agree that more filter algorithms would be useful. Maybe a powerful algorithm for the H9. I would buy it (series and parallel with modulation and control over the shape of the filter).  Also the ability to adjust the LP, MP, and HP filters range and q could allow for the modfilter to be even more useable. I can get a cool auto wha sound with the LP in the modfilter but for me it lacks a little edge or roughness in tone. That is why I turn to the q-wha. However the q-wha is not as "funky" as the modfilter. After having said all this, I have been very impressed with how well  the envelope filters. Since I leave my comp pedal on all the time, I have to live with the effects that comp has on the rest of my pedals. I am amazed that the filter will work as well as it does given my setup. To sum up: more filter, please. Smile

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