Problem with clock sync on Misha

Home Forums Products Eurorack Modules Problem with clock sync on Misha

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    • #169155


      I’m using a TR8S to send master clock to all of my midi devices.

      I realized that the Misha apparently doesn’t receive clock via midi in, but only via clock in. No problem. However, when I sync the “trigger out” to the “clock in” on the misha, I have a problem:


      on 24 or 4 pulses, the tempo won’t change above about 150 bpm.

      On 1 pulse, it DOES, but below about 140 or so it slurs notes, almost like a very extreme swing feel …


      Can someone help? Thanks!!

    • #169180
      Eventide Staff


      Can you be more specific when you say “the tempo won’t change”? If you press the shift button a few times to get to the tempo menu, does the BPM of Misha sync to the BPM you are sending it from the other device? What happens when you go above 150 BPM?

      On Misha, what are your Clock Div settings? The best way to troubleshoot this would be setting your Clock Div on Misha to 1/4. I am not having any issues with having Misha sync to a 240 BPM when both devices are set to 24 PPQ.

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