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January 3, 2009 at 2:39 am #105994
Hi all. I'm having a problem with the bypass of the effects blocks by cc# feature added in the last update.
When you send the on/off status of the bocks by preset it won't recognize it. After that it works fine, it just takes a few button presses of my foot controller to get the ia switch lined up right again with it…..
January 5, 2009 at 7:30 am #118154
Hi John
we need a more complete description of what is patched to what.
Which OS version?
What is "ia" switch?
Are you referring to LEDs status on your pedalboard , reflecting fx blocks on/off status?
Please add more details for us.
January 15, 2009 at 9:53 am #118190
Hi Italo, sorry for the long reply back.
It's the latest Eclipse os(3.51)
The midi controller is the Ground Control proYes, IA(instant access)…. Instant access buttons(sends midi cc# on or off messages) when
selecting a preset.I have ext1 and ext 2 set up in the eclipse to control the bypass of fx blocks a and b.(midi cc#66 for a and CC#67 for b)
In the setup, the setting for FXA and FXB bypass modes are both set for the TrigMode to be On/Off, and the sense set to reverse. This way it works properly.
Now…whew…I set up a preset to send program change 04(which selects preset 104 on the eclipse set to midi map 1) and the instant access buttons to be off….the eclipse will not recognize the on/off status when you select that preset.
Ok create another preset which sends prog change 05(selects preset 105 on the eclipse) the instant access on/off status switch set to off when you select the preset.
Again, it will not recognize the on off status. While you're on that preset….press the controller on and off again and it will bypass it and work properly after you "update it to line up" so to speak. It will not recognize it with the program change
Now heres where it gets really wierd…while you're on that preset(prog change 5) turn the blocks on in the eclipse with the midi controller ia switches….then switch to the other preset…..THEN it will recognize it and work right.
see what I'm saying? And yes the ground control is set to send the on/off status of the controller(ia switch) when a preset is selected. It does it for my other processors just fine.
January 15, 2009 at 2:10 pm #129273
Hi John
thanks for the more accurate description. It helps a lot.
Well…I have tried myself and don't get the problem you describe.
Keep in mind that there *might* be differences between the hardware we use for MIDI controlling the units.
I don't have a GCPro. My controller is a desktop PEAVEY PC1600X.
I have set the SENSE on NORMAL, rather than on REVERSED as you describe. Other than that everything matches.
On my controller I can store a SCENE: I set one fader to send a MIDI PrChange and do it, set other 2 faders to send the 2 CCs that remote A and B bypasses and do it, then store a SCENE which now contains the 3 described MIDI commands. Then I disengage bypasses and load a different preset. Recall and send the SCENE and Eclipse loads the desired preset and sets BYPASSES on as programmed.
We would probably need your MIDI controller to chesk what's going on…..
January 15, 2009 at 6:58 pm #129279
Sigh….it's just not working right man.. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. I guess I'm gonna have to make a video and put it on youtube or something.
Don't you guys at eventide have a proper midi foot controller?
Spend the $400 bucks on a ground control.
Create a preset that sends program change 05, and the controllers off. Then create another scene/preset with program change 06, and the controllers on. then create another preset/scene with the controllers off. Toggle between these presets and see if the Eclipse recognizes the status every time. It doesn't work right.(yes I realize these presets on the eclipse only utilize fxA block). Switch between the two scenes/presets that have the fx blocks bypassed.
Will someone who uses the Eclipse with a ground control(or any footcontroller with this common capability) chime in here too please.
January 15, 2009 at 7:07 pm #129280
I have done more tests, alternating scenes. I can confirm that it works intermittently. Sometimes works, other times…doesn't. We'll have to look into it.
January 15, 2009 at 9:02 pm #129281
Thanks Italo, glad we finally found it.
There's another problem with midi mapping, but I'll put that in another thread. Thanks again. Real bummer that it doesn't work right, but I know you guys with fix it. Take care.
January 16, 2009 at 6:50 pm #129286
On looking at this problem, my guess is that the remote bypass command is only recognized when it is different from the previous one. And of course, different from the displayed value.
This seems to be what is happening, and explains most of Mr John01W's observations.
The Ground Control and program changes are probably not relevant.
We will fix this in the next release, due shortly.
January 16, 2009 at 8:00 pm #129290
Very good news, thanks heaps. If you guys put out a beta, I'll take part in the testing this time
January 20, 2009 at 6:50 am #129300
See the following thread:
Eclipse V3.5 Block bypass externals – problems – http://forum.eventide.com/cs/forums/p/4867/20526.aspx#20526
The latest OS 3.51 seems to have fixed this problem for me. I use the ground Control with the Eclipse with Block A & B set to different cc's on the Ground Ctrl for random access. When I select a GC patch it selects the appropriate block (via a CC) as part of the program. cheers
January 20, 2009 at 9:45 pm #129306
We ARE talking about 3.51. This is not the same problem as that thread, it's not ground control related actually. Eventide has been able to reproduce the problem as well. I appreciate your help, but you can reproduce this problem as well….read up in this thread and do it for yourself.
January 21, 2009 at 11:52 am #129307
Sorry should have read your other posts closer. I use my Eclipse / Ground Control in a slightly different way. And yes upon testing I agree this seems to be a "bug". Hope it can be resolved, cheers
January 21, 2009 at 7:53 pm #129308
This will be fixed in the forthcoming Eclipse 4.0
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