problems with footswitches on mod- and timefactor

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    • #107570


      I own my modfactor and timefactor now for more than 1 and a half year and I am very satisfied with them. Only one  problem contstantly gets worse: The three footswitches sometimes don't work properly,  sometimes they don't work at all. I figured out that the problems are caused by the little springs that are between the switch itself and the plastic switch on the PCB. They seem to loose tension and sometimes they even fall out of the switches. Does anybody know where I can get a replacement for the springs? I don't wanna open the stompboxes before every gig and put them back into their places or re-adjust them.


    • #121427
      Eventide Staff

        You should contact

        Presumably you are sure that it is the spring, not the switch ? A new one for me.

      • #139914

        I have the opposite problem to Andy – I love the smooth switches on these pedals and want to upgrade other pedals to the same footswitches if possible, any chance of getting replacement ones, or specs etc?




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