Proper way to deregister H9?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Proper way to deregister H9?

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    • #113027

        I’ve just sold one of my H9’s and need to deregister it.  before i do so, do i need to make sure that the new owner has an account in place before doing so?  i’d hate to hit the “deregister” button and then be prompted for a new owner’s account, which i don’t have.  or maybe it’s just as simple as deregistering it, shipping it to the new owner?  any other important information i need to know about the process?

      • #141555
          boynigel wrote:

          I've just sold one of my H9's and need to deregister it.  before i do so, do i need to make sure that the new owner has an account in place before doing so?  i'd hate to hit the "deregister" button and then be prompted for a new owner's account, which i don't have.  or maybe it's just as simple as deregistering it, shipping it to the new owner?  any other important information i need to know about the process?

          No, just hit the deregister button in H9 Control.  It's as simple as that.  

        • #184652

            So I should have no trouble deregistering my device without the previous owners login information?

            • #184657
              Eventide Staff

                You’ll need to email and provide a picture of the H9’s serial number if you would like us to deregister it for you.

            • #184659

                I’ve been trying all day to deregister the H9. The status went to closed on first request and no one answers me and it doesn’t seem to be working. Second request even says completed and it’s still not working. Can someone please help me? No one will message me back.

                • #184660
                  Eventide Staff

                    Sorry for the confusion. I just deregistered the pedal for you. Let me know if there is anything else I can help with.

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