Public Beta – Trouble Connecting to Wifi

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    • #172013

      Hello Everyone.


      I booted up my H9000 today and I loaded a session that had ethernet as the default network connection. So I tried to connect to my Wifi network in setup on the unit and it sees my wifi, but it fails or times out after I put in the password. Im using the supplied Edimax dongle. I’ve also rebooted the H9000 several times with and without the dongle and tried to log in and it continues to fail. Ive also logged out and back in on my computer to make sure the password and everything is good and it is.

      I can use ethernet in the meantime as I continue to troubleshoot, but I just wanted to make sure that this was out there incase it is indeed a bug.

      -cheers! chase

    • #172043
      Eventide Staff


      There weren’t any changes to how the Wi-Fi connection works in this release, maybe there is something else causing your issue.

      The Wi-Fi adapter should be plugged in before the H9000 is booted, it won’t work correctly if it is removed are plugged in after it is booted.

      Have you tried plugging the adapter into a different USB port on the H9000?

      Can you try creating an Access Point and letting me know if you are able to connect to your computer?


    • #172057

      Understood, Thanks!

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