Question about powering up H9 with plug strip

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    • #144813
      Eventide Staff

      It should not be any more of a problem for H9 than for anything else.

      My apparent careful choice of words is because every time you hit a power switch you generate surges and transients  that do not increase the life expectancy of the electronic equipment.

      So, don't worry – just don't turn it on and off more than you have to.



    • #144814

      ok. But is it better for the life expectancy to keep the plug out of the H9, and power it up by :
      1. press the master power switch to the ‘on’ position, and then
      2. plug manually the adapter plug in the H9?
      And powering it off by first removing the plug from the H9 and then turn of the master power switch.
      It feels more safe, I think I wil do that.

    • #144815

      I want to add: or is this procedure not good for the life expectancy of the adapter? (which now is powered up by the master power button)

    • #144817
      Eventide Staff

      If there is a difference, it will be better to switch the power on the strip, rather than pulling the connector from the H9.

      This keeps the transient further away. Also, it reduces the risk of physical damage to the H9 power inlet.


    • #144818

      ehh..sorry I don’t completely understand. Until now I first put the adapter in a powered strip, and then put the connector in the H9 to power it up. To power the H9 down I pulled the connector out of the H9. You mean this is not good?

      To power the H9 up, or down, is it best to keep the connector in the H9, and then put the adapter in (or out of) a powered strip?

      Or, if I understand what you are saying, second best is to keep everything connected and power it up/down by switching the master power switch (on the strip) down/up.

      So what I did until now is not good. That is if I interpret your words correctly. I have to keep the connector in the H9. Which I didn’t do.

      • #144820
        Eventide Staff
        Marcel wrote:
        ehh.. Or, if I understand what you are saying, second best is to keep everything connected and power it up/down by switching the master power switch (on the strip) down/up. .

        This would be the best approach.

        Marcel wrote:
        ehh..  I have to keep the connector in the H9. Which I didn't do.

        You don't have to – you can do what you want. It is simply my recommendation.

        You are probably worrying too much – these things are not written in stone.


    • #113803

      Is it a problem to power up and power down my H9 with a ‘plug strip’ that has a master power switch (the red button in the picture)? I of course use the adapter that came with my H9.

    • #144823

      Yes, I agree, I have worried too much about it.

      So I now have everything connected and I will power it up/down by the master power switch, and stop worrying about it :). Case closed.

      Thanks a lot for putting in the time and energy!! You and your colleagues really perform a great service on the forum!

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