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February 16, 2009 at 6:19 pm #106070
ParticipantI am trying to add effects to my voice with with my computer and the eventide.
I am going into the eventides analog ins and then into the computer via FW, I am trying to use some plugins before the eventides effects but (heres the problem) while going into the analog ins the vocals are ran through the processors before entering the computer and therefore I cannot put the plugins first in the signal chain like I want to and then add the eventides effects after. Has anyone got a solution for this? I usually send tracks out of my computer through the eventide and back to the computer which allows me to place effects where I want in the chain. But since I want to sing with effects on, I am trying to go in thru thru the eventide without the vocals getting any treatment then put some plugs of choice, then route the vocals out into eventide and then back into the computer. Is this possible? I hate having the eventide first in the chain and then placing gross plugins after it kind of defeats the purpose.Thanks,
Alvin -
February 16, 2009 at 6:44 pm #118289
you could use the H8000FW via FW IN and OUT. This will enamble you to place it anywhere in the signal chain. provided your recording software has these professional capabilities, which should also provide fx for monitoring. Everything depends on your gear…..
February 17, 2009 at 5:53 am #118295
ParticipantI'm not sure what you mean firewire in and out? I am going into the eventide analog inputs to get the vocals in and hoping to bypass on the way in then add plugins then route the vocal back out through the eventide and back to the computer. I am using logic 8 will this software enable me to do what you are talking about?
February 17, 2009 at 1:01 pm #129383
MemberThe H8000Fw can be used with Firewire input and output.
Not clear how you get your vocals thru it. Are you connecting your mic to the H8000 analog input directly?
Logic should enbale you to configure plug ins and H8000 firewire I/Os routings as you like.
February 18, 2009 at 12:04 am #129384
ParticipantYes, I currently have my mic going into analog input 1 and the H8000 is setup in the firewire a>b routing scheme. Then I get audio into logic fine like this but, the eventide processors are processing the audio before it reaches logic. I would like to keep it dry (bypass the processors on the way in) and add some plugins then route the audio back using logic i/o plugin and the eventides firewire in/outs. But you see as of now effects are applied to the vocals before even reaching logic and then again when I add the i/o plug and the firewire i/o. Can I get the vocals to logic, add plugins and then use the i/o plugin while monitoring the fx? I have achieve all but bypassing the processors the first time the audio reaches logic.
Alvin -
February 18, 2009 at 8:00 am #129385
VERY IMPORTANT: you should *not* plug a mic directly into the Eventide! The inputs are not designed to handle mic levels. A mic preamp should be used to get the correct impedance matching and it will also sound much, much better.
You are using the H8000Fw as an audio interface, converting analog to digital. which is a possible use for the H8000FW. If you have a dedicated audio interface you could also use it, as it very likely has a mic preamp dedicated input. If you don't have an audio interface for your computer, than you need a mic preamp to connect the mic to the Eventide.
You will need to modify your H8000 internal routing to directly connect the analog input to the FireWire channel feeding logic, bypassing the DSPs, for dry sound. The problem here may be that you are using the H8000 before the pluging AND would like to use it after them as well. This, if possible, requires careful tweaking of the H8000 internal routing and considerations about the routing possibilities in Logic.
Regarding Logic questions, we do not support DAW software as they are simply too many and different to do so. Dedicated forums are available on the internet for this.
In my opinion the best way to use your gear would be:
mic > dedicated computer audio interface w/mic input/preamp > computer
H8000FW connected via FW to the computer, using Logic channels Send/Returns to feed dry signal to it for FX and then back to Logic.
February 18, 2009 at 9:17 pm #129388
ParticipantThanks for the support Ideangelis, I am indeed using a preamp so don't worry there.
One more question is it possible to take input one from my vocals and feed inputs 2-8 with the same signal within the eventide or feed input 1 into inputs 1-8 of the dsps making use of multichannel effects patches all while staying inside the eventide?
Thanks Again,
Alvin -
February 19, 2009 at 8:53 am #129389
ParticipantOk, I think I'm going to get a audio interface or a mixer and split my mono vocal into 4 outputs and go into the eventide that way. I already have a nice great river preamp that would be nice to use and the eventide has good converters.
So would a mixer feeding the 4 analog inputs be a good choice, or would you get a audio interface and then process the vocals with the Eventides Fw routing be good? -
February 19, 2009 at 2:15 pm #129391
Any input (analog or digital) can be connected to any or all or any group of DSPs inputs-
February 19, 2009 at 2:17 pm #129392
MemberYou don't need anything to slit a signal fed to the Eventide. Infact its internal routing allows you to route any input to any or all DSPs inputs as you like.
February 19, 2009 at 6:13 pm #129394
You don't need anything to slit a signal fed to the Eventide. Infact its internal routing allows you to route any input to any or all DSPs inputs as you like.
Ive been attempting to do this routing to no avail, miv>pre>analog 1 input and am trying to send that same signal to four main inputs so quadrupling the same input so I can make use of the multichannel effects, any advice on how to do this? Yesterday I tried changing firewire inputs 1-4 to analog 1-4 but that did not work. Keep in mind the only way I can connect to my computer right now is through firewire, thats why I thought I might need a mixer or something, was not sure if I could do the routing I need while using the firewire connectivity.
February 19, 2009 at 6:46 pm #129395
MemberThe H8000Fw is a very deep unit. There are important concepts that need to be gathered from the manual. This willunwrap tremendous power in your hands, believe me.
The unit has dozens of physical inputs and outputs, 8 analog, 2 S/Pdif, 8 ADAT, 4+8 AES-EBU, 16 FireWire…..a lot, right? But you can only use 8 of them, at any time. You must define what your MAIN I/Os are, but there is no need to duplicate inputs at this stage. Once you have defined that one of your inputs is ANALOG 1, you can assign THAT input to DSPs inputs in their menupages, NOT in the MAIN inputs page.
In addition to this, there is a pretty complete set of factory stored routings in the unit. You could load any of them, study its "ramifications" and do the necessary changes.
You can have a single analog input feeding all DSP A and B inputs, with the 2 DSPs in parallel…or the same analog input could feed all 8 DSP A inputs which in turn feeds DSP B inouts (series)….and hundreds of more possibilities.
all the best
February 19, 2009 at 10:47 pm #129405
ParticipantI still am having no luck hearing the entire patch, 5314 4 detuners, all I am hearing is the first in and output from the dsp a. For instance I loaded the routing preset analog a-b since I have my preamp connected to analog 1, then I changed dsp a's inputs to 1- 4 to analog 1 in hopes of using the 4 detuners patch 5314 but I still only hear input 1 not 1- 4.
Am I setting it up correctly?
I have the eventide connect to my computer thru firewire.
February 20, 2009 at 12:04 am #129407
ParticipantI've figured it out I din't have all the correct inputs setup within my Daw.
Thanks for the Great support!
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