QVox iOS chromatic intervals and delay times

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    • #116348

      I just purchased QVox for iOS and sadly I see it lacks some BASIC features, here are my suggestions in case the developers check this site or if any other use has any advise on how to overcome them:

      1: Can’t set specific static intervals!: All the interval options are set on “musical intervals” and there is not an option to choose “cents” for pitch shift, this creates a problem where I need to set a specific interval range and have it to remain STATIC regardless of the note: the classic example on this could be trying to recreate Steve Vai’s “Ballerina 12/24” patch which is a 4th and a 6th above but have them remain STATIC as in ALWAYS have 500 cents and 900 cents intervals REGARDLESS of the note, on the QVox app you CAN’T do that as it’ll be changing the notes depending on which scale mode and root note you choose, so this makes IMPOSSIBLE to play that Steve Vai piece as the song modulates all the time and doesn’t have a static root!, this could be fixed if this app had the option to choose pitch intervals in “cents” too and not only in their preset static musical intervals!

      2: The ability to have INDEPENDENT delay times for each of the pitched voices would be great as currently all the delay times are dictated by the last interval and you CAN’T do polyrhythms

      3: The ability to have PAN control for the pitched voices!, currently all the voices are panned hard left-right but this is not always desirable

      4: You CAN’T re-save a preset after you have fine-tuned it!, you need to save into a new slot with a different name as you CAN’T overwrite it, so you’ll end up soon with LOTS of user presets and then you have to delete them one by one 


    • #157147
      Eventide Staff


        Thanks for your suggestions. Unfortunately 1 – 3 are not possible to achieve in QVox. If you are a desktop user as well, you could use the Quadravox or Octavox plugins to achieve these effects.

        As for #4, we can take a look at revising this so that it's possible to overwrite presets. Currently you could tweak the settings, delete the existing user preset, and then re-save, to avoid the renaming issue.


      • #157481

        Hi Tom, another iOS user here that was looking for the same… it is a shame ballerina effect is not available in QVox or any of the other apps. 


        And in regards to the point 4, I need to say it is very annoying, Eventide should improved it as an urgency matter.

        Thanks Alex, my brain was about to explode looking to achieve Ballerina effect. Don’t know if it can be achieved combining QVox with the rest of the apps ( I have them all )


      • #180690


          Let me tone this down a bit for you. As for the chromatic improvisor and Steve Vai’s student (you guys are going way to far for a $15 app, you want them basically to re-create for a few peoples specific concerns. Moog, Bleas (especially Bias Fx) fall short in 10 different ways I can call off the top of my head without a 2nd thought and I just purchased a few hundred dollars worth of theirs and eventides apps. I would’nt imagine contacting them and asking them to alter their software(for ios, no less) because the Ring modulator does not have a carrier wave that actually works, but is just a visual paameter to make you feel like it is there. Bias, dont even get me started, they would be re-creating half of thier stuff. There are more expensive, with more functions, apps in the app store, you can try them and see if they have what you need, since you already know this app does not, I am sure you realize they are actually not going to alter this for you, in this app and probably not in a future app. Look elsewhere, if that above is what you really,actually need. Try using the app in Cubasis, the way someone suggested using it in Aum, you wont have to use cheaper apps in there. So, you know(you probabaly already do, so dont be insulted, but in case you don’t know) you will have to find these other apps by tracking them down by opening one of them up in the app storee, scrolling to the bottom and you will see “you may also be interested in this” and then find 1 closest to the type and continue chasing it by opening 1 then scrolling to the botton of the page, picking the most expensive and closest app and go on…until you get up to the $30 and $40 apps and if they dont do it, you will have to do it yourselves.

          Now, for us people who have no clue about this or any of the 5 other ios apps I just purchased from you, where are the user manuals. Please, dont tell me you want me to watch a video. That does nothing for me. I need a PDF in my library so I can go back and forth from 1 knob to another(yes, I am that simple on this). I hope you are not 1 of these app makers who thinks it is OK to not provide a User Manual for us simpletons. It seems to me about 1/3 of music app makers believe this but just look at Moog They give you a 45 page explanation of the app and explain what ring modulation is. Some of my Ios synths have 80 page manuals, some put the manuals right inside the app.

          I am really expecting you guys to say No, we cant do that and Check out the videos, at least dont say you can findout about pitch shifting here, here or here. I know that. I want you to explain it from your angle along with how it works in your appa and how I can use it to make my own sounds and pre-sets because I dont buy them to use other peopes stuff.


          Drop me a simple note at the e-mail you have for the jvf1 you have registered and just tell me flat out yes or no or we will have one on approximately this date, not some time in the future.


          • #180746
            Eventide Staff

              Now, for us people who have no clue about this or any of the 5 other ios apps I just purchased from you, where are the user manuals.

              Hi James, you can find the User Guide for each app by tapping the Info (“i”) button in the bottom left corner of the app. This will open the User Guide.


          • #157148
            tlongabaugh wrote:


            Thanks for your suggestions. Unfortunately 1 – 3 are not possible to achieve in QVox. 


            Hi Tom, thanks for your response, I’m just curious on why it is not possible to achieve that in Qvox?… I’m not a desktop user… I understand my #2 and #3 suggestions imply more programming and redesign but since the app already does pitch shift I’d LOVE to see at least my option #1 implemented: To have the option to select “cents” for pitch as that is the only way the pitched notes can stay static, other option would be to add the “chromatic” scale to the options or substitute it for one of the less usable ones, or in the Root notes selection have the “no root” option… anyway, I really hope the developers take this into account as I’m not a Desktop user…


          • #157149
            Eventide Staff


              I meant that it's not currently possible to achieve those things in the QVox, not that it's technically impossible.

              Adding these features is not entirely out of the question, but would either require some redesign of the UI (to incorporate cents vs. intervals) or potentially break session compatibility (adding another scale option would break automation). That's not to say it won't happen, as we've logged the feature requests, but it's not high priority at the moment.

              Sorry about that.


            • #157150
              tlongabaugh wrote:

              … That’s not to say it won’t happen, as we’ve logged the feature requests, but it’s not high priority at the moment.

              Sorry about that.


              Thanks for the response Tom, I hope that at least this messages can make the “cents” feature be bumped up in priority soon, Cheers 

            • #157482
              angelrojasguitar wrote:

              Thanks Alex, my brain was about to explode looking to achieve Ballerina effect. Don’t know if it can be achieved combining QVox with the rest of the apps ( I have them all )


              Hi, it is possible but you need another app to run independent lines for delays and pitch, I am even able to do it inside BIAS FX and I can also do it inside AUM running much less expensive apps: just set 2 AUM channels with both inputs assigned to your guitar interface, then run on each a pitch and delay line with the corresponding values and FX 100% wet, then assig both outputs of the channels to a BUS and another channel with its input taking the output of those 2 channels and that way you can also play with the pan levels so they’re not 100% L/R or mono and also add a little reverb or other FXs….

              That’s why I’m also dissapoited that we can creat that effect with other less expensive apps but it seems they ust dumped the Eventide algoritms to iOS for mainly “presets play” and it seems they’re not even updating it, It seems they don’t even care about the reviews on the Apple app store as many people complain about the same and the devs don’t even reply there… 

            • #157497
              Eventide Staff

                Hi, we've read your concerns and are aware of them. As I stated previously, the app was not designed for chromatic play and adding these features now is something that would break session compatibility for our users, which is a non-starter. I'm sorry that the app does not do exactly what you want, but incorporating the features you request would require rewriting most of the shift / delay grouping / panning UI/UX. This is something more likely to make it into a different app than as an update for QVox. The preset overwriting issue is logged in our system and will be addressed in a future update.

                By the way, we do read App Store reviews and care greatly about user feedback – we monitor the reviews and respond as appropriate.

              • #157506
                tlongabaugh wrote:

                Hi, we’ve read your concerns and are aware of them. As I stated previously, the app was not designed for chromatic play and adding these features now is something that would break session compatibility for our users, which is a non-starter. I’m sorry that the app does not do exactly what you want, but incorporating the features you request would require rewriting most of the shift / delay grouping / panning UI/UX. This is something more likely to make it into a different app than as an update for QVox. The preset overwriting issue is logged in our system and will be addressed in a future update.

                By the way, we do read App Store reviews and care greatly about user feedback – we monitor the reviews and respond as appropriate.

                  Well, it took almost 2 months and several messages here (not only from me) to respond over there, anyway, I’m a programmer too and I don’t see how adding just the “static cents” option would break the whole app (unless the coding is too buggy)… Anyway, if at least you could offer refunds that would be better as asking people to pay for another app instead of working on upgrades is a NO NO…..   

              • #170036

                  Tom, I am not sure you realise how vital chromatic harmonization is for this app. It is like you’ve made a beautiful and fast car that can’t make left turns. As someone who improvises and constantly changes keys, it is generally impractical to have my pitch shift values change based on the key. I like that diatonic harmonization is an option, but I never imagined when I purchased the app that this functionality could not be turned off. If you need to design another app, perhaps a QVox2 to accomplish this, I would not mind purchasing that separately. I need this functionality and I need it for iOS. Everything else about the app is excellent.

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