Recessed midi jacks?

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    • #107581

      I own a Pitchfactor and Timefactor and I've just starting syncing them and my Line 6 M9 with midiclock. I purchased some Hosa right angle midi plugs so they will fit in my board. I wanted to make my own cables to length but I had no luck finding right angle midi plugs. The straight plugs are too long to fit in between my pedals on my pedalboard. Well the Hosa right angle midi cables fit fine in the M9 but do not fit in the TF or PF. They kept pushing back out and I realized it is because midi jacks are a little recessed on the Eventide stompboxes. I used a razor blade and cut off the rubber casing around the Hosa midi plugs and had a much better fit. What kind of midi cables is everybody here using? Should my midi jacks on the PF and TF be recessed a little? The midi pins on the Hosa plugs are on the top of the plug on one end and on the bottom on the other so even with right angle plugs so it makes the pedal board look ugly because I have the plug upside down and have the pull the wire back down and under the board. Anybody know where I can get decent right angle midi plugs so I can just  roll my own?

    • #121545

        I had the same problem finding good angled MIDI jacks that kept things neat with my PitchFactor until I finally found They sell 8 way adjustable angled MIDI cables to any length you want, so you can get things set up exactly as you want. They are kind of pricey, but they're also the only place I've found that had exactly the type of MIDI cables I'd been looking for for a loooong time.   

      • #121555

        I'm pretty sure I got the exact same cables and had that problem at first too.  But I just shoved them in there a bit firmly and they fit fine.

      • #121557

        Yeah, me, too… I'm using the angle Hosa MIDI cables and after I figured out how hard/far I needed to shove them in, they've worked just fine.

      • #121571


          I had the same problem finding good angled MIDI jacks that kept things neat with my PitchFactor until I finally found They sell 8 way adjustable angled MIDI cables to any length you want, so you can get things set up exactly as you want. They are kind of pricey, but they're also the only place I've found that had exactly the type of MIDI cables I'd been looking for for a loooong time.   

          They look really good, but they are pricey.

          the straight ends look like neutrik connectors to me, the same ones I use….worth a dig about to see it they are as you can buy neutrik in a lot of places.

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