Recreating H3000 Patches

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    • #105216

      Posted by Wyn

      I was so excited when I saw the H3000 Factory TDM plug-in. I immediately went out and bought it thinking I would be able to recreate some of my favorite patches inside the TDM environment. But no, the starting points for many of my favorite patches are not in H3000 Factory. At least they are not there with names that I recognize.

      Question 1: Is there a preset in H3000 Factory that is or is very close to the original H3000 patch “Swept Combs” ?

      Question 2: Is there a preset in H3000 Factory that is or is very close to the original H3000 patch “Micropitchshift” ?


    • #116712

      Posted by Dan

      Hello Wyn,

      I’m sorry for the delay in responding to your questions.

      Eventide Factory is a combination of the Mod and Patch Factory algorithms from the H3000. Swept Combs was a different algorithm from the H3000 so unfortunately it is not included in the Factory plug-in. Perhaps in the future we will create a plug-in that captures the Swept Combs algorithm, just have we have with Factory and Band-Delays, however it is not currently available.

      There are several presets in the Factory plug-in that will give you micropitchshift, although I admit they are poorly named. Some of them are straightforward, and some have some delays added. You might want to try Dynamic Thickener, Doubler, String Widener, or Widened Delays.

      Hopefully tomorrow I can do another preset that is exactly the same as micropitchshift and post it here.

      If you have any other questions, let me know.


    • #116713

      Posted by Dan

      Here is a recreation of the H3000 Preset 231-MICROPITCHSHIFT. Simply download the .tfx file and place it in your

      “LibraryApplication SupportDigidesignPlug-In SettingFactoryPitch Shifters” folder on you Mac or your

      “Program FilesCommon FilesDigidesignDAEPlug-In SettingsFactoryPitch Shifters” folder on your PC.

      Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving.


      • #156700

          Hi, Is there a way to get these files?

          Thanks in advance.

          import wrote:
          Posted by Dan

          Here is a recreation of the H3000 Preset 231-MICROPITCHSHIFT. Simply download the .tfx file and place it in your

          “LibraryApplication SupportDigidesignPlug-In SettingFactoryPitch Shifters” folder on you Mac or your

          “Program FilesCommon FilesDigidesignDAEPlug-In SettingsFactoryPitch Shifters” folder on your PC.

          Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving.


      • #116714

        Posted by Wyn


        Thanks for the Micropitchshift starting point. I admit I AM surprised that Eventide has decided to release the H3K algorithims in a sort of piecemeal fashion. I thought you guys had finally decided to make the H3K into a TDM plug-in. I personally know at least a dozen folks who are still waiting for that product to show up. Till then I guess I will have to continue using my H3K as a HW insert.

        Thanks again for the patch.

      • #140219

          Someone knows the parameters from the preset 222 Flanger from H3000 hardware ? I’m trying to recreate this preset on H3000 factory plugin, but I’m not sure about the delay parameters.

        • #140226
          Eventide Staff

            Hi brenocalmon,


            I'm not in the office till Monday, but I'll take a look at this preset on the H3k when I get in and let you know what I see.



            • #140278
                DGillespie wrote:

                Hi brenocalmon,


                I’m not in the office till Monday, but I’ll take a look at this preset on the H3k when I get in and let you know what I see.




                Thanks Dan, 

                I know the swept combs are 6 delay lines, and the factory plugin are just two, but I believe the 222 I can do with 2 


            • #156733
              Eventide Staff

                Sorry, I didn't realize you wanted those specific presets, as this thread is quite old.

                231-MICROPITCHSHIFT is included in the native version, 222-FLANGER is not.

              • #172091

                  Hi Everyone,

                  I have been to hundreds of studios that use the hardware version of the H3000. Most have it left on the “Magic Air” preset.    Do you guys have this holy grail preset available in the plugin version? I recently purchased the plugin for Mac specifically for the magic air preset but Its not in the list of presets and i’m desperate.  I attached an image of the 3 presets I hear about the most.  I really really would love to have the Magic Air

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                  • #172230
                    Eventide Staff

                      Sorry, these presets are not available in the plug-in. The only current product that offers these presets is the H9000.

                  • #156720
                    Eventide Staff

                      If you need the .tfx files included in the TDM plugin, you could download the Anthology II installer (Support > Downloads > Discontinued Products).

                      The native H3000 Factory plugin has .tide preset files (which are opened by the native plugins), those are in the H3000 Factory installer (Support > Downloads).

                    • #156724

                        are those the ones Dan posted?

                        tlongabaugh wrote:

                        If you need the .tfx files included in the TDM plugin, you could download the Anthology II installer (Support > Downloads > Discontinued Products).

                        The native H3000 Factory plugin has .tide preset files (which are opened by the native plugins), those are in the H3000 Factory installer (Support > Downloads).

                      • #156743

                          The thing is, I want those presets for the tdm version (which I have).

                          Is there a way to convert?

                          tlongabaugh wrote:

                          Sorry, I didn’t realize you wanted those specific presets, as this thread is quite old.

                          231-MICROPITCHSHIFT is included in the native version, 222-FLANGER is not.

                        • #156776
                          Eventide Staff
                            Guezzwhobeats wrote:

                            The thing is, I want those presets for the tdm version (which I have).

                            Is there a way to convert?

                            Here's the 231 preset in TDM format. Unfortunately, 222 cannot be recreated with the H3000 Factor TDM or Native plugin.

                            To use it, download the attached file, and change the file suffix to .tfx

                            Then, place it at the location mentioned in the above post.

                          • #156782

                              Thank you very much!!

                              tlongabaugh wrote:

                              Guezzwhobeats wrote:

                              The thing is, I want those presets for the tdm version (which I have).

                              Is there a way to convert?

                              Here’s the 231 preset in TDM format. Unfortunately, 222 cannot be recreated with the H3000 Factor TDM or Native plugin.

                              To use it, download the attached file, and change the file suffix to .tfx

                              Then, place it at the location mentioned in the above post.

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