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    • #165946

        What is the planned release schedule for bug fixes for Emote? Are we looking at six month intervals before a bug fix can be deployed?

      • #165948
        Eventide Staff

          Nothing official, but we’re always looking to improve our software. What bugs are you referring to?

        • #165951

            So no plan then……


          • #165953

              I am sure I am not the only one with raised bugs……Given that you asked for specifics.

              Here are some Jira’s. Does this help?

              AUD-47553 Emote Data Dump

              AUD-48744 Apple Silicon for Emote

              AUD-47555 Emote does not respect previous folder used

              AUD-51035 Emote session name

              Plus the lack of 96K support for all plugins

              Plus three new bugs I raised this week that I wam still waiting for a response on.

              1. When using dual Eventides. When both emote sessions are open in the DAW. What ever option I choose a show view option is mirrored by the other emote session.

              2. When using dual Eventides. When both emote sessions are open. One session appears to become the master session. In the sense that when you try and save an Fx chain it attempts to save the opposite fx chain on the other session of emote and other H9000.

              3. When using dual Eventides. When a logic session has been running for at least an hour. The performance of emote seriously  degrades.


              Looking forward to your plan.









              • #165955

                  Here are the Jiras for the three items I raised this week and then re-logged due to lack of response from your team.

                  AUD-51040 Emote mirrors behaviour when two sessions open

                  AUD-51041 Emote cannot manage two sessions

                  AUD-51042 Emote performance when running dual H9000


              • #166231


                  – please make the file dialog  window (saving loading) in Emote a little bigger, so small even on my 27″ iMac screen – a wish of an older guy with not so good eyesight  anymore:-)

                  – after saving anything to the H9000, i would appreciate to save to my computer without having to type in the same name again in the file dialog of my computer….

                  – have the list of algos, presets  etc. tab on the left side sizeable

                  – i could not find any delay/echo algorhythm with cross feedback – maybe you could make one, that would be awesome

                  – maybe make the matrix in FX Chains with more rows to make feedback cabling possible, maybe add a Volume/Pan Extra Mini algo addition

                  – Emote on the iPad?


                • #166255

                    What would your dream delay/echo with cross feedback have, or how would you like it wired?

                    I’ll be building some delay algorithms soon.

                    i could not find any delay/echo algorhythm with cross feedback – maybe you could make one, that would be awesome

                  • #166260

                      Hey Puppeteer, thanx for the response and asking….

                      Dream Delay -> good example is the Arturia plugin Delay Eternity.
                      Crossfeedback from Left to Right and Vice Versa. Extra Lfo‘s to modulate the pans of Left and right would be nice too.

                      Filtering  wet signal with state variable filters individually with two more lfos to modulate that

                      Lfos syncable to clock 4 sure.

                      See Left and Right as individual delays, maybe add a third one…for the mid signal..


                    • #166262

                        OK, I’ll see what I can do.  I won’t reproduce Delay Eternity, but do something in a similar vein.

                      • #166280

                          OK, I’ll see what I can do. I won’t reproduce Delay Eternity, but do something in a similar vein.

                          cool, if you need further input…feel free to get in touch eith me!

                        • #166377

                            OK, I’ll see what I can do. I won’t reproduce Delay Eternity, but do something in a similar vein.

                            cool, if you need further input…feel free to get in touch eith me!

                            Did you have a look at my dub delay here? –

                            This has independent left and right delays, as well as filtering on the feedback path.  I’m looking at adding a second delay line, and second input for adding special effects into the delay loop and adjustable left/right crossfades on the feedback loop, as well as an envelope follower. I could probably add some LFO’s as well, but as it is it probably ticks a few of your boxes.


                          • #166442


                              Did you have a look at my dub delay here? – This has independent left and right delays, as well as filtering on the feedback path. I’m looking at adding a second delay line, and second input for adding special effects into the delay loop and adjustable left/right crossfades on the feedback loop, as well as an envelope follower. I could probably add some LFO’s as well, but as it is it probably ticks a few of your boxes.


                              …this I have downloaded and checked… would be a good starting point for some adds..

                            • #166587

                                I’ve started a new thread on the Dream Delay here –

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