Remote Global Level Control

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    • #106533

      Is there any way to control global levels via expression pedal?  For example, can I change the master output level on the Eclipse with a pedal in order to tweek my overall system volume before it hits my amp?  I've scoured the 4.0 manual but can't find anything.  If not, would this be something that could be incorporated in a future update? 

      I'm running stereo into two amps and could stick a passive stereo volume pedal in the chain but would like to avoid that as they tend to suck tone.


    • #119244

      The I/O levels & gains are remotable just like any other parameter, so you should be able what you describe.



    • #119245

      Hmmm…How do you get the page where you assign the parameter to an external controller?  I tried holding the Hotkey for the Master Out Level (OUT GAIN), like you would on the preset parameters, but it froze the unit up and I had to restart it.

    • #130371

      A buG!

      We just found it.



    • #130373

      Cool.  I think you should send me an Eventide tee shirt for finding that.  Lol!

    • #130374

      found it…yesterday


    • #130375

      Dang!  Any idea when a fix will be available?

    • #130376

      Engineering just got the report as yesterday AES Show in NYC was on.

      No way at the moment to know when a fix will be available.

      sorry, Scott!


    • #130379

      No biggie.  Still lovin' all the new stuff.  You guys do great work.

    • #130380

      Thanks, Scott!



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