[Request] emote software per fx chain

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    • #165562

      Would it be possible to have a smaller section of the software for each fx chain.  When automating parameters in protools it gets a bit overwhelming with all the lanes in one plug in.  I am thinking about getting a second h9000 because I am juggling sounds but the extra automation lanes in one plug in would be crazy as its already a bit crazy.

    • #165594
      Eventide Staff


      I have noted your request, but cannot promise that this is a feature that we will add.

      Alternatively, you should be able to de-clutter your automation by using MIDI to control your H9000 parameters instead of using the automation within Emote. If you do not have an audio interface with a MIDI DIN output, you can get an expensive USB > DIN MIDI convertor that should work fine for this.

      On the H9000 side of things, you’ll just need to map your desired parameters to a MIDI CC number, and then create a Pro Tools MIDI automation lane that corresponds to that parameters. This will allow you to make specific MIDI track lanes for certain H9000 parameters, rather than having them all of the automation on one track.

    • #165597

      Hello.  Thank you for the response.  The issue is protools and midi are bad together. lol. Also I am lazy and go for the fastest option in the mix.  If I bought a second h9000 could I run 2 instances of emote?


    • #165598
      Eventide Staff

      You’re welcome. I haven’t setup a MIDI configuration with the H9000 and Pro Tools myself, something like this is probably better suited for a DAW like Ableton Live.

      Emote can control 2 H9000s simultaneously, and this does not require 2 instances of Emote. However, I was just testing this and unfortunately the automation is only configured to work with 1 H9000 at a time, the automation parameters for additional H9000s do no show up. I have logged a request to allow automation for multiple H9000s, but it is hard to say if or when this feature would be added since there are not many users who own 2 H9000s and we have higher priority items to address for H9000 development.

      For a dual H9000 setup, I would recommend investing in a dedicated MIDI controller that you can customize and use to record your MIDI automation into Pro Tools with.

    • #165599

      but can we run multiple emotes in one session? This would help.  I could assign one emote to h9000 1 and the other to h9000 2



    • #165601
      Eventide Staff

      Ok, yes I just spent some more time testing this and you can automate 2 H9000s with 2 instances of Emote in 1 DAW project. I was able to have multiple lanes of automation for each H9000 and recall the session without any issues. Let me know if you have any other questions or would like me to test any other functions.

    • #165608

      Based on my experience of running 2 x H9K’s with 2 x sessions of emote. Go for fixed IP rather than dynamic.

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